Dan had not seen his friend and former colleague Martin for some time. A handshake had turned into a hug when they saw each other once more.
"Great to see you, tell me everything. Don't forget Serena."
Martin knew Dan's girlfriend and his smile showed his approval of their romance. The news was positive. A growing number of people were prepared to help Dan with his campaign to get changes to the OWG. When he mentioned Eric McBride amongst them, Martin had to get his friend to repeat that sentence.
There was no plan as yet, but they were a group of determined people from diverse backgrounds. Dan chatted enthusiastically about his group and Martin was swept along. Bertie had been driven, but his answer to the problem was violence. The direction in which Dan was going felt right.
"I don't know how I can contribute, but if I can I will. I've got two young children, so I have to bear them in mind."
His words said one thing, but his posture said something else. Dan could feel his reluctance.
"Who knew what would happen when we went in search of Bertie Crawford. How much of that was our fault Dan?" Martin was talking about the information which they had given to the rebel.
"I know what you mean. We did give him details, but we could never have known that he would end up killing people. I think he was evil and prepared to commit atrocities long before we met him. He would have killed at some point with or without us."
"I keep thinking about that poor old couple from the farmhouse, too. They helped Bertie and that was how he repaid them. Bloody hell Dan, he went to your house waving a gun around. You're right. He was some sort of psychopath I think."
"He's gone now Martin. That awful episode is finished with. Needless to say, the people I've got around me now are not going to be murdering people to get what we want. This has to be done right or we are just like those we are trying to get rid of."
"You are determined to do this without killing, but your opposition won't worry about that. You, your friends and anyone that helps you will be at risk."
They were both lost in thought for a moment as they remembered what had happened and wondered what the future held.
"I know it's an important thing. Salter needs to go. Modernisation needs to take place. I will help if you need me, of course I will, but…"
"I'll give you a call if I think there is something you can do." Dan stopped him from having to admit that he was afraid of the danger involved.
"You asked about Serena. We are seeing each other now. She visits from Marlborough and has met the kids. I am hopeful for the future."
The new topic gave them something else to talk about. They swapped stories about their children and then spoke about what they were doing at work. Dan gave Martin some tips to help him with his work on new ideas for the automotive industry. His friend was most grateful and was eager to test Dan's theories.
They parted with promises to keep in touch. As Martin wished him good luck they both knew that he was unlikely to take part in whatever scheme they came up with. There had been a number of others in their small band of dissenters. Martin offered to contact them to see if anyone wanted to volunteer for further action. They had all had their fingers burned by their encounter with Bertie. Dan didn't hold out much hope that he would hear anything.
If they did this right, they would not need a large number of people. Dan convinced himself of that when he heard nothing back from Martin. When this was all over there would be time for socialising with old friends. For the moment there was only one thing that he needed to focus on.
Serena was glad that Dan and Martin had met up. She understood entirely his reluctance to become involved again. She acted as the voice of reason giving all the excuses for Martin's failure to call.
"Its not for everyone. Not many are as strong as you."
"Are you sure that you want to do this?" Dan had listened to Eric's plan.
"Yes. There is a wall of silence around Salter and his cronies. The only way to find out what they are up to is to join them."
"Have you thought about what this will mean? You will have to vote in meetings against things that you hate or disagree with. Some of your friends will turn their backs on you. God knows what will happen if they find out that you are a mole."
"The greater good Daniel. That is what I must focus on. I have thought about the problems you have mentioned and it will not be easy. I am, however determined and capable of pulling this off."
"You are our best hope. Thank you for offering to do this. You have my admiration and respect."
Eric was going to act as a double agent for Dan and his small group of dissenters. He would go to cabinet meetings and side with the inner cabinet. He would praise their ideas and vote with them in an effort to become one of the trusted ministers who was privy to their secrets. He might lose friends within the government because of his stance, but in the end his true sentiments would be revealed.
As he went to the meeting, Eric set his features. He would be wearing this mask every time he interacted with the inner cabinet. Each time he looked at Nicholas Salter he would have to nod and smile rather than curl his lip and frown. He had remained fairly neutral since his promotion to minister so it wouldn't appear as if he was having a change of heart. He hoped it would appear that he had been biding his time before picking a side.
It was playing a role and Eric had prepared like any actor would. He would not be standing up in the cabinet room praising Salter or applauding loudly whenever he spoke. He would however vote for the things that Salter proposed and nod his agreement. Slowly he would be seen as a supporter of the inner cabinet. Once that happened he could better plan their downfall.
The meeting was pretty dull with nothing controversial on the agenda. Eric found it easy to endorse Salter and his cronies this time. He had barely tested his new persona. He was sure that there would be occasions in the future where he would find it far more difficult. This would probably be a long game.
All of the members of Dan's group had legitimate connections to each other. His position at the MOD and his father in law being a member of government meant that no one would wonder about the comings and goings from his house. It seemed the best idea to make his home their headquarters.
Eric called on Dan and his grandchildren frequently. On each occasion he had the opportunity to give an update on his progress. Over a Sunday lunch he reported on the slow campaign to ingratiate himself with his enemies.
"Salter patted me on the back after the last meeting. I managed not to shudder as he pawed me." Eric was laughing as he mentioned the incident. "Seriously though I seem to be coming to his notice as an ally which is what we want."
Dan was impressed with what Eric had done so far, but he was also worried about him too. He was involved in a dangerous game which could have bad implications if he was found out. Every conversation they had ended with Dan telling his father in law to be careful. In the past they had not really got along, but things had changed. Eric had recognised the faults with the OWG and his love for his grandchildren had brought him and Dan closer.
Eric looked like a severe Victorian gentleman. His three-piece suits complete with fob watch in his waistcoat pocket had marked him out as a traditionalist. The deaths of his wife and daughter had been terrible. In the aftermath he had to admit that his precious OWG were not as wonderful as he thought.
Dan was impressed by his father-in-law. Eric had seen the faults in the system. That was hard enough for a man who believed in what he was doing. He had gone a step further however. He had noted that things were wrong, he had spoken of his doubts and then he was committed to bringing about change.
The other members of the cabinet had changed their attitudes to Eric as well. Colleagues he had socialised with occasionally, now either shunned him or sought him out depending on their allegiances. People were noticing that he was becoming one of Salter's men and they were reacting. It was tough sometimes, but the responses showed that his plan was working.
It was particularly hard when his friend Howard Cavendish walked past him in a corridor. Eric's instinct was to catch up with him and explain the circumstances, but he couldn't. He sincerely hoped that there would come a time when he could reveal his scheme and rebuild the bridges which were currently burning.
He had watched as his subtle backing of Salter was mirrored by Howard's gradual disaffection with the government. He had noticed it, so it was likely that Salter had too. It would be only a matter of time before his, former, friend was ousted from his position. He needed to keep a close eye on developments, so that he could find out what method the inner cabinet would use to achieve its ends.
"Be careful what you say at cabinet meetings. Question rather than criticise."
This was one of the pieces of advice Eric had received. Those who were openly hostile to Salter did not stay in their jobs for long.
"You don't want to end up like old Parker. He left suddenly after some sort of scandal. Didn't know when to keep quiet."
There was something big happening within the OWG. Eric watched civil servants scurrying along the corridors holding files. The generals had been making appearances in the town hall as well. Whatever was going on had not yet been revealed to the rest of the cabinet, but all the activity meant that questions would be asked. Salter would have no choice but to reveal what was being planned.