Bryant House

I entered his very large house, and he invited me to sit in the living room. Here is a red soft sofa set in front of the TV which is so wide that I don't know how many inches it is.

"Sit down, I'll get a drink!" he shouted inviting me to sit down.

"Uh sorry, what are you drinking?" he added as he turned around again after walking a few steps.

"Hmm Up to you" I just leave it to him for the drinking problem. Because if I drink, I can get everything, as long as it's not carrot juice because I'm allergic to carrots.

At that moment, Bryant left me alone sitting on the couch in the living room.

Wow, the house is really big and really good.

I stood up and looked at the photo of memories in the cupboard next to the TV, where if I can see from the photo, Bryant is a basketball athlete. No wonder the height does not hold.

I see a polaroid photo that is here as if it tells the struggle of Bryant from a young age to an adult, he won a lot of medals and trophies in sports events, namely basketball.

Hmmm, my eyes stopped when I saw a photo of a guy with Bryant.

Hmmm, how come his face is so familiar like I know with this guy, but I can't remember?

"Strawberry squash, Coming!"

I turned around when Bryant came in with two pink drinks in his hands.

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed while sipping the Strawberry Squash that was in my hand.

Oh God, the tastes so good. I swear I'll buy this.

"Bryant, did you buy it? Or make it by yourself?"

I asked curiously as I lifted the long glass containing the sweet and delicious concoction that is in my hand right now.

"Oh, I made it!" he replied smiling while raising his right eyebrow.

Damn, he's so handsome, I froze like I was hit by magic when he smirked at me.

My throat was dry instantly and in that second I immediately turned my face away from his face, when I felt like I was looking at it for too long.

"Ehem, so can you guide me to walk around at your lovely house?" I asked for a moment to break the silence.

"Yes of course!" his answer is solid.

Bryant and I walked around the whole house, starting from the kitchen which was so wow, the kitchen was just as big as this. Then I was invited to go to the back area, namely the swimming pool, it's crazy, the house is like a palace. The swimming pool here is really big in fact, and it's like a swimming pool when we go to the water boom. But the design is elegant, not like a water boom either.

I had a chance to ask when I was invited to go around the swimming pool area.

Is it a house this big, how come it's only the two of us living in it now, there's no helper or something like that? so he just answered.

My Mom & My Daddy are still outside taking care of things, so they must come home late at night, people are usually busy.

As for helpers, My Mom is still looking for them, because we just moved, so they haven't gotten all of them yet, because looking for helpers is not like buying robot toys in the market. Because you have to get the right one and want and be honest. That's the point.

"So this is my room!" Bryant shouted as he opened the door to his room.

I went in with him.

Wow, this is cool, the design is classic and very casual. So more comfortable with an atmosphere like this.

Bryant's room is very spacious, twice the width of mine. There is a self-study desk plus an Apple brand computer which I'm drooling when I see it.

This is a bed with a very big Spiderman bed cover, it can make some flips too, it's so big.

I took the time and looked around his room. Very extraordinary.

Wow, it turns out that Bryant's room also has a balcony, so the view outside is very beautiful. Because Bryant's room is on the second floor, it feels good to see the view from the balcony here. Must try out on the balcony.

I turned around quickly because I wanted to get Bryant's permission first.

But unluckily, I ended up squirming with my own feet, so what was supposed to be perfect turned into a mess.

I tripped and fell straight ahead.

But the fall didn't end until the floor, because I felt these big hands catch my fall, and hug me tightly.

What I had previously braked now I opened my eyes slightly, peeking that Bryant caught me.

Gosh, when I opened my eyes, my heart felt like it was going to burst, because his face was right in front of me, only inches away. I could feel his breath which was like a mint, I could see in his eyes that were like the blue of the ocean.

Right now we were both frozen in this obscure pose. He hugged me and look at me deeply. Where I can only stand still and turn to look at him.

Bryant's eyes couldn't stop from covering my entire face.

So am I.

"Ahem!" I deliberately cleared my throat and let go of Bryant's embrace.

Instantly thaw the atmosphere that had just frozen. I'm just being awkward and scratching my head that doesn't itch while looking away from him. Likewise, Bryant looks very awkward in front of me.

"Hmm thanks, for catching me!" I stuttered to break the silence.

"Ahhh, aaa yes no problem!" it was also seen that Bryant responded nervously.

Huh, Vino focus, what's wrong with this, how come it's awkward like this.

"Oh, there's a toilet?" I asked Bryant.

"Yes, yes over there!" he replied, pointing to the bathroom at the far end of his room.

I immediately rushed to the bathroom, not to pee or defecate. But to calm my irregular heart.

I stood in front of the sink, looking in the mirror, and saw my blushing cheeks. Hmm, I cupped my hands on my cheeks and patted them a few times.

Hmmm, wake up, Vino, wake up!, don't be so feeling Don't go to so confident like that with Bryant. He must have had a super duper prettier girl than you. But why do I think so? Auh What the hell Vino, why are you like this.

At home, there is Tristan, who is waiting for you.

I remembered the fact that I had to return home immediately. I've been here too long.

I opened the door and walked out quickly.


I immediately fell forward, the moment I felt I hit something hard in front of me.


And sure enough, now Bryant is under me. Why is he standing in front of the toilet door? Until I finally hit him.

Again this pose is uncomfortable because I accidentally kissed Bryant, our lips pressed together, my eyes widen looking at him, as well as him.

Without waiting for time to run,

I immediately released the link of our lips that were accidentally stuck together. And I immediately rose from my fall.


Suddenly Bryant pulls me down again and hugs me, holding me tightly against his body.

"Let this go on for just a moment!" he whispered in my ear.

I previously wanted to rebel, suddenly I relaxed and surrendered in his embrace. Even though I trembled at it.

Bryant hugged me tightly, both of us warmed up.

"What if I like you?" He whispers in my right ear.



