The Moment Of Nerve


Those words seemed to ring in Bryant's ears. Bryant couldn't do anything but admit what he had done wrong.

However, what happened was not intentional, because Bryant just found out that Vino has an allergy to seafood-smelling foods.

He was silent as Tristan left Bryant alone, now frozen in the hospital hallway. Bryant couldn't deny what had happened, but a deep sense of regret that he felt right now.

"What have I done to the person I love!" He said while ruffling his hair with both hands.

His eyes were bloodshot and his emotions overflowed with guilt the feeling he felt was getting bigger and bigger.

Bryant paced the hospital hallways clutching his head.

Meanwhile, Tristan is currently taking care of the data that will be given to the Doctor.

And on the other side of the room, Vino was seen lying unconscious. Fighting for his life for now.

Shortly after Tristan finished taking care of the data that had to be given, he returned to the hallway of the emergency room where Vino was.

Bryant who knew this immediately ran towards the direction where Tristan was sitting with empty eyes.

"Please I'm sorry!" Bryant pleaded as he prostrated himself before Tristan.

But Tristan didn't budge at all, ignoring what Bryant said.

"I don't mind if you want to beat me to your heart's content, but please don't forbid me to meet Vino, honestly I really can't if I have to part with him!" Bryant whined

But Tristan remained steadfast in his stance, like a statue that had been sitting in its place for a long time. He didn't budge one bit with what Bryant said.

But Bryant also doesn't give up easily in things like this. He kept trying to apologize and permission to Tristan. So that he is allowed to be friends again with Vino.

"Could you shut up!? Or I'll call security over here!" Tristan said curtly, which immediately silenced Bryant.

Bryant didn't answer what Tristan said, he just kept quiet and slowly sat in the same chair as Tristan even though the two of them were a bit far apart.

But on the other hand, Bryant was a little relieved that his efforts were not in vain. At least Tristan didn't kick him out of the hospital that would be enough.

Vino you have to survive Vin, please you can do it, I can't if I lose you at times like this Vin!. Tristan thought, not realizing that his tears had rolled down his cheeks.

Likewise, with Bryant, whose eyes had been puffy for a long time, he could only sit quietly with his eyes never leaving the ER door where Vino was.

The two of them had been waiting for an hour in the hallway of the same room, but neither the doctor nor the nurse had come out of the room at all.

"Oh, I swear, how much longer is this?" Tristan said then stood up and walked back and forth in front of the emergency room door.

(Sound of Door Opening)

At the same time, Tristan and Bryant immediately rushed to the front door of the ER.

"How Doc!"

"Doc how!"

The two of them impatiently asked simultaneously with the same question intent. To the Doctor who does look dashing and handsome who just came out of the ER.

"Yeah, wait a minute I'll explain!" Answer Doctor

"So this is how the condition of this patient named Vino can be said to be Critical because a relapsed allergy almost took his life. But maybe God gave an extraordinary opportunity, which finally made Vino survive. And luckily, he was quickly taken away Come here, if only this Caucasian guy didn't provide first aid to help by giving artificial respiration, maybe Vino couldn't be saved!" Doctor said clearly

They were both silents after knowing the explanation from the Doctor.

"It can be said that this allergy is rare, because a maximum of six recurrences in his life if it has reached the final point, it is certain that the patient will not be saved, he can go through the third and fourth relapses, he is very lucky if his life is still alive. can be saved!"

"Then what about Doc? How many times have you been to this Vino, Doc?" Tristan asked worriedly.

"Hmmm for Vino, I can see from the case that this recurrence is at number four / five because the difficulty of healing that we did earlier was very difficult. And I also said that this allergy can be contagious!"

"Hah, contagious! How can doc!" Tristan said quickly.

"Yes, this allergy can be transmitted through a touch of saliva, but this allergy can only be transmitted to other people when it relapses. So it seems that later there will be a special check for this guy!" the Doctor replied, patting Bryant on the shoulder.

Tristan immediately looked directly at Bryant, not because he wanted to scold him. But the look that Tristan gave was more towards sympathy and gratitude that he couldn't directly express to Bryant.

"Can Vino be visited?" Bryant asked.

"After this, they will be moved to a normal room, and they can be visited because they only have to heal their immune system!" The Doctor answered with a smile at Bryant and Tristan.

Not long after that, the doctor left, leaving the two of them still standing in front of the emergency room door.

Bryant who heard the doctor's words earlier was still silent. Not afraid that bad things will happen to him because it could be that Bryant has indeed contracted the allergy.

But what Bryant was afraid of was Vino's condition, which turned out to be on the verge of the end of his chance to recover. And Bryant can't let go of the thought

'that all this happened because of it'.

Today may be a miracle that happened so that Vino is still given a chance to be able to live life with the people he cares about.

Tristan decided not to tell his parents about this incident, because Tristan was also afraid that his parents would panic and think about what had happened today. Because it could be that later Vino will not be allowed to go out or play carelessly anymore.

Tristan & Bryant decided to sit back down to where everyone was while waiting for Vino to come out of the ER.

But between the two of them, there was not a word of the conversation. So it's like two refrigerators sitting next to each other without a word coming out.

Tristan, who glanced back and forth at Bryant, actually wanted to talk to Bryant. But Tristan knew that maybe now wasn't the right time to do that.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, finally, the emergency room door was opened while several nurses were pushing the patient bed and that's where Tristan and Bryant saw Vino who was wearing a breathing apparatus and also had an IV coming out of the emergency room.

The two of them quickly went straight to the patient bed which was being pushed by the nurse.

"Sorry, please wait until the patient enters the room first, okay?" One of the nurses said

The two of them could only be silent and followed slowly behind the patient bed.

Until finally arrived at the room in question.

Tristan & Bryant waited outside the room for the nurse to finish setting up Vino's place.

'Vin thanks for being strong, I love you!'

Bryant said from behind Vino's outdoor glass.