WebNovelWolf Boss100.00%


Bella slowly opened her eyes. A small slither of light could be seen through the large curtains. It illuminated a small Victorian-style bedroom. For a moment, she was slightly confused as she took in her surroundings.

Bella made to move the heavy duvet when she noticed the bandages on her wrists. Last night's events came flooding back in. Spied on, kidnapped, threatened and then Paul turned into a monster.

She gasped as the pain started to slowly register. Her head swam with images of knives, dark rooms, rough ropes, blood-red eyes and sharp fangs.

'Paul was a … he ….' her thoughts couldn't come together.

It was as if her brain was trying to disconnect her from her memories, to save her sanity. They were too surreal and terrifying to comprehend.

"Good morning,"

Bella jumped slightly as a soft voice came from the now-open bedroom door. A young woman stood with a tray of food. She looked around the same age as Bella. Like Bella, she was small, with dark hair and kind eyes.

"Hi, I'm Kim, Paul's assistant. You're Bella, right?" she asked as she shut the door and brought the tray around to Bella's side.

Bella nodded as she eyed her warily. She watched as she put the small tray filled with tea, toast and a small packet that looked like medicine on the bedside table.

"Are you one of those …. I mean can you …." Bella couldn't finish.

No matter how much she tried she couldn't organise her thoughts or even clear them. Kim smiled sympathetically at her. She had been exactly the same when she had learnt about Jared. Though, he told her first before showing her. Kim sat on the bed beside her and gave her a soft smile.

"If you mean a wolf shifter? No I'm not but I work for one and I'm engaged to one," she explained. "I was just like you when I found out. Although, I didn't find out the same way you did. I can only imagine the shock. How are your injuries? We had Sue Clearwater, a nurse, clean you up."

Bella looked down at her hands and covered them as if to hide them.

"They're ok, they sting a little but it's not too bad," she said sounding calmer than she felt.

With a smile, Kim handed her a drink and some pills.

"Sue gave us these painkillers. She said you need to take them with food so eat some toast afterwards."

With a nod, Bella did as she was instructed.

"Look! I know your mind is probably reeling from what happened to you and what you saw. You probably have lots of questions. I know I did when I first found out. I'm going to try to answer some of the questions I think you have and you can let me know if I have missed anything."

Bella nodded and waited. Kim smiled and took a deep breath.

"First, yes Paul is a wolf shifter. No, he isn't dangerous, and he would never hurt you or anyone else. Yes, wolf shifters are real. They look after their pack and protect them, and the humans close by from anything that would be dangerous. There are many legends about them, but he can tell you about them."

"Paul lost control a little when he heard that Angel guy threaten you. That's why you saw him the way you did. He couldn't stand the idea of anyone hurting you. Wolves have these things called mates and imprints. A mate is like a wolf's partner, like a wife or husband just without the wedding. Though many of them do have a wedding. The mate bond can be for life, and it's like a guarantee that they will be faithful. They are biologically incapable of finding someone else attractive."

Bella liked the sound of that. She had many disastrous relationships because her exes couldn't keep it in their pants.

"The only time a mate bond can be broken is if their mate isn't their imprint, it's rarely done as it can be very painful. An imprint is even more special. From what I understand all wolves have just one imprint. One person in this whole world that's meant for them. Many don't want to wait any longer to find their imprints so they choose their own mates. However, many do wait because it can cause a lot of pain if they are mated and then they find their imprint."

Kim took out her phone and showed Bella the picture on the home screen. It was of her and a man that looked similar to Paul, except he had lighter hair.

"I'm Jared's imprint. I'd met him a few times working for Paul, but I was dating someone else at the time and never really looked in his eyes. It's the eyes that do it, one look and boom they are hooked. It's how they know who you are to them, you feel a pull towards them but it's stronger for them."

"Anyway, one day I got into a fight with my boyfriend over the phone at work. He said some really horrible things, he accused me of cheating on him with Paul. Which of course was ridiculous. Paul has always been a gentleman and a great boss; he would never take advantage of me especially when he knew I was with someone."

Bella nodded, she could imagine what her ex had been thinking. Paul was a walking sex god and a gentleman. She doubted any woman would be able to resist Paul if he decided to seduce her.

"Jared had come to see Paul and noticed I was upset. I had my chair turned away from him so he came around to check on me and that's when it happened. One look and he knew I was his. Of course, nothing happened as I had no idea about it at the time. All I knew was that I was very aware of when he was there. It was like I knew the exact moment he stepped onto my floor before I saw him. He was there when my ex came to see me, he even protected me from him."

Kim lost herself in the memory for a moment and Bella smiled. She could imagine how that played out, especially since they are together now.

"I always felt safe, protected and noticed when he was around. He would always speak to me and bring me my favourite coffee and bun from the cafe near work. He'd seen me get it once and instantly remembered my order, he knew it would make me happy. Jared never rushed me, especially after what happened with my ex."

"A few months later, when he finally told me, I was naturally shocked and scared. Once I had calmed down, I remembered something about Jared I want you to remember about Paul. Jared would never hurt me, he's always made me feel safe and protected. He and his wolf chose me because I'm the one for them. There will never be anyone else for them but me. They want me to be safe, happy and loved."

"I know if I chose someone else, they would accept it and still be there for me. I know Jared loves me and I realised I loved him, so the rest came with time. It took me a while before I saw his wolf. I wasn't quite ready to see the guy I was majorly crushing on, turn all furry but when I did, it was the most amazing sight I'd ever seen."

If Bella's head wasn't reeling before it was now. She couldn't understand how they were having a conversation about wolves so calmly. Kim smiled knowingly.

"I know it feels surreal right now, after all, we are talking about wolf shifters but eventually, you'll get used to it."

"I don't think I ever will,' Bella said shaking her head. "This all feels like I'm in some fantasy movie right now. I keep expecting someone to yell 'cut!'"

"I know what you mean," Kim said whilst laughing. "I felt the same way. I thought all those books I read were messing with my head."

Kim then turned serious and gently took Bella's bandaged-wrapped hands in one of her.

"Just remember what I said. Paul would never hurt you, he will do everything he can to keep you safe and to make you happy. You are his imprint; he will be whatever you want him to be. Lover, friend, or brother. He will be whoever you want. The choice is yours, just please give him a chance to explain more."

"If you need someone to talk to I am always available. I wished I had someone to talk to when I first found out but there wasn't anyone else. So, if you ever need to talk, I'm your girl."

Bella gave her a small smile before nodding.

"Paul can help explain everything else when you are ready to talk to him."

Bella looked at her, her mind was so muddled.

"I just need a bit of time to wrap my head around this. I think ... I need to be alone for a bit," she said before leaning back on the pillows.

Kim smiled softly and nodded.

"I understand, I'll let you get some rest."

Kim left Bella and went downstairs. Paul bolted up as soon as he heard her walking down the stairs. The main reason he bought this place was for the thick walls. For a wolf with sensitive hearing and pack mates that are not quiet, it was ideal. Now he was regretting his decision, he had strained to hear their conversation, but they had spoken too softly for him to hear any words.

"Well?" he asked her immediately, not giving her a chance to take a single step inside the living room.

"She said she needs some time to think. Give her some space, and let her work through her thoughts. You have to be patient."

Jared patted his shoulder in support. When Kim had told him to give her some space to think it had all but killed him to stay away. It will be even harder for Paul; Bella was only upstairs. At least Kim had been in her own place.


For a week, Kim brought Bella her food every lunch and dinner. Bella was quiet and still refused to speak about Paul, she said she needed more time. One day Kim had to leave so when dinner time came Paul was the only other one in the house. Sam had long since left to help Emily and Seth sort through Angel's belongings from work and Jared had taken Kim home. He hesitantly knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Bella called expecting it to be Kim.

She gasped when Paul opened the door and brought a tray of food in.

"I thought you might be hungry," he said slowly so as not to startle her too much.

He could see her clutching the bed covers. Her knuckles were turning white, he could smell her fear. His wolf whined inside; 'my mate is afraid of me!'

Paul turned to leave; he didn't want to scare her any more than he already had. Just before he opened the door he sighed.

"I'm so sorry Bella. If you want to go back to New York, I'll arrange it. I can get you a flight as early as tomorrow morning. Just let me know."

He then left; he couldn't see the tears falling down her face nor could she see his. He went into the spare bedroom and closed the door. He sluggishly climbed into bed clutching his chest over his heart and finally allowed his pain to roll through him.

"She's afraid of us! She hates us! She's rejected us!" his wolf whined in his head over and over again, sinking him further into despair.


Later that night Bella finally ventured out of the room. She found no one downstairs, the house seemed empty. She panicked and raced back to her room however she stopped, she noticed another door. Slowly she opened it as quietly as she could. Bella was surprised to find Paul curled up on a bed in what she assumed was a spare room. She was going to leave him when she noticed he was asleep, but his face stopped her.

'Has he been crying?' she asked herself.

As well as the tear marks Paul looked like he was in pain, clutching his chest. Bella took a step closer and he gave out a pained whine in his sleep. That whine went straight to her heart. Without thinking she sat on the bed, gently lifted his head up and laid it in her lap. Gently, Bella stroked his hair as his whines died down. His face no longer looked like he was in pain, instead, he looked content. She felt his arms slowly wrap around her legs and waist as he subconsciously burrowed his head further into her stomach. She chuckled a little and leaned back to get comfortable.

Several hours later, Paul awoke to the best scent he had ever smelt, Bella's. He could smell that she was really close. His eyes widened as he opened them. His head was in her lap. He looked up and saw Bella asleep, one hand in his hair and the other on his shoulder. Slowly, he sat up and watched her sleep. He gently brushed a stray lock of her hair aside and stroked her cheek. Bella stirred at his touch. Her eyes locked with his as they opened.

"Paul?" she said in a whisper.

Unable to resist, Paul leaned forward and claimed her lips. He poured all he had into the deep, passion-filled kiss. If she was going to leave him, he wanted to have one last taste of her. Bella moaned into his mouth, and his dick and his heart leapt at the sound. Their tongues battled for dominance. Eventually, Paul allowed Bella to take the lead. She pushed him backwards, forcing him onto his back. Paul happily complied.

Her soft body lay on top of his, pressing him in all the right places. His hand gently travelled from her waist into her hair, holding her head in place. He was mindful to be gentle, her injuries were healing but she still ached. Eventually, Bella pulled away needing to breathe.

"Bella?" Paul whispered; almost afraid this was a dream.

"Paul," she responded back with a dazed look in her eyes that mirrored his.

"Please, don't leave me!"

Bella's heart broke. He looked so sad, so broken. She placed one hand on his cheek and caressed it slowly.

"I'm not going anywhere Paul," and she meant it.

Earlier, she had been freaked out over the fact that the man she was slowly falling in love with turned into some kind of monster. However, when she had gone downstairs and couldn't find anyone. She'd thought he'd left; she'd thought she was alone and that thought alone was enough to make up her mind. The pain she had felt was like nothing she had ever known, worse than the wounds she had from Angel's attack.

Right then, she had decided to get Paul back, she was going to find him and get him back no matter what. When Bella had rushed back upstairs and seen the other door, something had told her to look inside.

"I mean it, Paul. When I couldn't find your earlier, I was afraid you'd left me. I hated the thought of not being with you. So, if you will have me, I want to stay. I want to be with you, in every way I can."

Paul almost couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Are you sure Bella? because this is for life, you can't change your mind later on," he asked afraid of her answer.

With a smile, Bella nodded and kissed him deeply. She wanted to show him how she felt as she knew actions spoke louder than words. So, Bella sat up and straddled his waist. Without a word, she lifted her top up over her head. Exposing her pale, bare skin to his eyes. Almost instantly, she could feel his reaction to her. Paul sat up but was pushed back down.

"Stay!" she commanded.

He growled but did as he was told. She smiled at him.

"Good boy! you deserve a reward."

Paul wanted to be annoyed at the fact that she was talking to him like she would a dog but the minute her hand landed on his clothed erection, all thoughts flew out the window. She palmed him through his sweatpants. Bella smiled as he writhed in pleasure beneath her.

"Remove your shirt," she commanded.

They were both surprised at how dominating she was, but if Paul was brutally honest, he loved it. Paul, again, did as he was told and again, he was given a reward. Bella pulled his sweatpants and boxers down freeing him completely. Her small hand wrapped around his shaft, gently pumping. Paul's moans were increasing in volume. Bella loved seeing him so lost in pleasure.

"Bella!" he growled causing her panties to dampen even more.

Paul took a deep breath and smelt her arousal. Before Bella could blink, he sat up

and claimed her lips once more. She allowed him to overtake her with his kiss for a while until she pushed him back.

"Naughty, I said stay. I think you should be punished."

Bella climbed off him and crawled to the edge of the bed. She pointed to the other end of the bed, opposite the pillows.

"Sit there and don't move," she ordered.

Paul wanted to taste her again, but he was also curious to see what she would do to punish him. Quickly, he removed his sweatpants and boxers and sat where he was told. Bella moved to the opposite side, removed the rest of her clothes, and leaned back against the pillows.

"Since you were such a naughty boy, you have to sit over there and not touch me. If you behave, I will give you a reward, if you don't then I will go back to my room."

Bella was feeling empowered and bold for the first time in her life. She could see Paul's thick hard cock standing fully erect. Paul glared at her as he restrained himself, all he wanted to do was touch her. He sat on his knees, his hands in tight fists at his sides.

Bella smirked at the glare as she lifted her knees up and opened her legs, exposing herself completely to him. She should have felt embarrassed but his reaction to her spurred her on. Slowly, she brought a hand up and groped her breasts. Her fingers played with one nipple before moving to tease the other.

"If I'm not allowed to touch you, you can't touch yourself either," Paul growled.

Bella's smirk grew wider.

"I never said I couldn't touch myself, I only said you can't since you didn't do as you were told."

As one of her hands played with her chest, the other moved lower. Intently, Paul followed its path as it got closer and closer to that sweet spot in between her legs. The place he wishes to be tasting or pounding. Her small fingers circled her clit as she released a small moan. Paul's dick was starting to become painful. She moved her hand lower still and pushed one finger into her wet hole. Bella's head flew back as she added another finger.

"Bella!" he groaned.

She was too lost in her pleasure to hear him. Finally, Paul had enough, without warning he surged forward and pulled her hand out of the way and plunged into her with no warning. He moved back and slammed back into her again and again. His pace was relentless.

It was Bella's turn to writhe underneath him now. She wrapped her legs around his waist and moaned louder than she had ever done before.

"Paul! Yes! Oh My God! Right there!" was all you could hear her say in between the moans.

He gripped both breasts tightly as she continued to unravel beneath him.

"Paul! I'm …." her orgasm rocked through her before she could finish.

Her walls tightened against him causing Paul to grit his teeth, trying to hold back his release. Bella's back arched and her fingers and toes curled. A silent 'O' could be seen on her face as she rode out one of the most intense orgasms she had ever had.

As soon as Paul felt her hold on him lessen, he flipped her over onto her knees and continued his pace. Bella had no chance to breathe as her pleasure started to skyrocket again. She gripped the pillows as he gripped her hips. Bella knew she would have bruises there tomorrow but right then she couldn't care less. The sound of skin slapping against skin could be heard throughout the room.

Soon, Paul could feel his release approaching, and quickly he pulled out, causing Bella to groan in frustration. He flipped her back onto her back and dived back in.

"Yes!" Bella screamed as another orgasm, more intense than the last, rocked through her.

Paul soon followed. Remembering he had no condom on, he quickly pulled out and released all over her stomach whilst biting down on his lips to prevent his wolf claiming her. He then collapsed next to her on the bed. As soon as Bella could breathe properly again, she moved up onto her elbows and looked at her stomach.

"I'm all sticky," she complained.

Paul laughed before grabbing his shirt and wiping her clean. She pulled a face at him as he threw it on the floor and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into him. Sluggishly, Bella wrapped her arms around him and looked into his eyes, then at his lips. Thoughts of kissing him vanished when she saw blood on his lips. Instantly concerned she sat up.

"Paul! What happened to your lips? Why are they bleeding?"

Paul smiled and tried to pull her back down, but she refused. With a sigh, he sat up and grabbed her hands.

"My wolf wanted to bite you as we came, I stopped him."

His explanation caused a painful jump in Bella's heart.

"Why? Don't … don't you want to... to bite me?"

Paul's eyes widened as he realised what he said.

"Stop whatever you are thinking! Of course, I do! I just mean that we haven't really talked about it and about us yet. I want to claim you, oh god you have no idea just how much I want to but I want to wait until you are ready," he hoped she understood what he meant.

Feeling relieved, Bella nodded and gave him a small smile.

"That makes sense, I guess we have a lot to talk about."

Bella made to move off the bed and get dressed but Paul dragged her back. He laid her down on his chest and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"We can talk tomorrow, for now, I just want to hold you."

He tightened his grip on her waist for emphasis. Bella smiled and rested her head on his chest over his heart.

"Did you mean what you said earlier?" he asked her with bated breath.

"What did I say?" she asked.

Paul took a much-needed and deep breath.

"That you won't leave, you won't leave me."

Bella smiled and wondered how this god of a man could be so insecure. She kissed the spot over his heart before replying.

"Yes Paul, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. I'm afraid you're stuck with me," she chuckled.

"I can live with that!"