Chapter 8

Collins POV

I have never been a patient man. Enduring yes but not patient.

I did not even understand the phrase "patience is gold". What the heck did that mean? Gold never came to those who were patient, it came to those who went out to mine them. The gold I wanted was not coming to me. I mean I had been waiting for more than two and a half months and I was no closer in finding Diane or my child. I hired investigator after investigator and nothing. Each time the phone rang I was quick to answer it but the answer was the same.

"We are sorry but we can't find her" We had cross referenced her with every woman who had a last and first name. But nothing showed up. I checked every orphanage and adoption agencies. Still nothing. The worst was when I checked obituaries, and death certificates and the morgue for Diane and a child.

I tried Columbia where her mother originally was from. She might have moved there but we still got nothing. Her trail was cold. Some investigators told me to give up she was probably dead. Needless to say they didn't have a good job again. And I made sure no one would hire them ever again.

I was growing desperate. Every night I would fall asleep thinking what my child was like. I will fall asleep imagining it was a boy and being as mischievous as I was. Or a girl who was totally enamored with her dad. I wondered what they liked and what they disliked. What they did for fun.

And some nights I let my mind wander to the evil side. Like if he or she was alive. Or if he had been put up for adoption. A things rolled into my mind constantly, every hour my mind trailed there.

I had reduced the amount of times I hang out with my friends.

I didn't go out drinking as I used to. I cut off the company of women I associated with. The media started questioning my actions. I was not the one who drew scandal to myself. But when the media fail to see you with beautiful women every other week, they get suspicious. Some explained it as my near death experience and others claimed I had found love.

But the truth was I was cleaning myself up for my child. I wanted to make him or her proud. I didn't want the stigma as a party freak and a playboy shame them. I was actually seeking their approval. And I had never done that in my life.

"Okay son. That is enough with this moping about" my dad stated barging into my office. I had been so caught up I didn't notice my latest PA was trying to page me. He sat in the chair across from me.

"We know you are under a lot of stress" he raised his hand to cut off my protest. "We all get it. But your life can't stop just because of this. We are doing everything in our power to find them. The rest we leave to God"

I was glaring at him. Did he not understand how important this was not just to me but to him as well? This was his only grandchild.

"I know you don't want to hear this but you can't kill yourself over this. The family got together and we talked this over. You are going on a vacation. A family vacation. Judy and Brian have suggested an island vacation. And everyone agreed. I think it would do you a world of good"

I was silent. But inside I was fuming. Now they were having secret meetings about me? What was next an intervention?

"Son I am begging you. Please. Your mother is going sick with worry. Besides a family vacation is long over due. The investigation will continue and anything comes up you will come right back. Please?"

I sighed. I didn't want to go. But my dad was pleading with me. I did look a mess.


"He grinned and stood up. Great we will leave in a week. That should give you enough type to wrap up your projects."

"Three days" I stated.

"Two weeks"

"Five days" | countered. No way was I going that long.

"Ten days"

"A week" was my final offer.


I nodded and went back to the graph I was looking at before he barged in. He was leaving my office. I was semi glad to get rid of him.

"You know what's funny son?"

I raised my eyebrow at him. I didn't see his humour. I thought he would be gone already.

"I just find it funny a week was how long we actually planned the trip. It must have slipped my mind" he said grinning at me.

He laughed. I should have known.

"You can't beat your old man. I still got it" Still laughing he strolled out of my office slamming the door behind him.

Well a vacation sounded nice.

"Misha please clear my schedule for the next two weeks" I paged my latest assistant.

"Yes. Sir" came the timid reply.

The Next week

I had been in the resort for five days. It was beautiful I had to admit. I was actually starting to relax whilst I was here. Judy and Brian had picked a peaceful place. For four days I had been eating, surfing, shopping, hiking, jet skiing everything you could name.

I hardly got a moments rest before I was being whisked to go ride dolphins or attend some culinary class. I think it was my family's attempt to get my mind off my problems and situation. But it couldn't and wouldn't happen.

Everyday and every few hours my mind would stray to my child. I always had my phone close by. In case something came up. Or in case they found something relevant. I tried to keep on a happy persona but it was hard. All I could and can think of was my child. But who could blame me.

Rachel is right I am screw up. I felt so much guilt. And so much shame. Speaking of Rachel she had politely refused to come on this trip. She claimed that she had prior commitments. I knew it was a bunch of bull. She just didn't want to be

anywhere near me. I still couldn't contemplate why she was so affected about the Diane situation. For crying out loud Diane is not even her child!

Even her own father Eric was not that rattled. It made no sense. I think Eric was hanging by a thread. He looked so despondent. Morgan had told me that things had been a bit. ..

icy with his folks. This was so messed up.

had received an update and there was still nothing. I don't know how much more I could take of this I thought bitterly to myself. I was sitting on my bed with my head in my hands. of all of this when someone knocked on my suite. I grabbed my watch and opened the door. It was Ashley.

"Ready for lunch?" she said enthusiastically. She looked cute and as fashionable as always. I don't think I have ever seen her out of place. My mind went to the question she asked. I wasn't really feeling up to it now.

just shrugged. She rolled her eyes and grabbed me by the arm dragging me along to wherever she was going.

"Hurry up slow-poke evervone is alread at the restaurant"

she whined.

"Hey slow down. The restaurant isn't going anywhere but my arm might be" I whined.

You'll live. Now come on" and she continued to drag me through the elevator and pulled me to two blocks till we came to a fancy restaurant called "The Pot"

I was finally free from her treacherous clutches and walked into the restaurant with a respectable manner. The restaurant was sure high classed. It had a rock fountain in the waiting room and had some sort of jungle theme going on.

Ashley asked the hostess for our table. The waitress a cute brunette checked her logs but I had already seen my family and friends. But what caught me off guard were the extra people at the table. They were more people than I recalled coming to thus trip. I looked at Ashley in question. She just shrugged her shoulders indicating she had no clue.

The waitress confirmed our table and lead us there. Upon arriving I saw who it was. It was none other than Hollywood's A lister actor Robert H. Herew and his wife make up artist Angela.

I had met them quite a few times. He was a very pleasant

man. And his wife was equally charming. For a guy who had been in over 40 movies he was very down to earth and jovial.

We ran in the same social circles but he was very private with his life.

"Finally they arrive" he joked and i couldn't help but smile.

"Sorry we're late. Mr. Diva here needed some extra time"

Ashley joked. Everyone laughed.

I sat next to my mom and the waiter immediately came to take land Ashley's drinks orders.

"This is a pleasant surprise. So Robert what are you doing here on the island?" I asked him taking a sip of my white wine.

"Vacation. My nephew is here shooting a movie here and I thought that l'll drop by and surprise him. See if he is embarrassing the family name yet" he laughed.

"Ohh Alex is here?" Ashley asked in a husky voice.

He nodded with a knowing look. She blushed and cast her eyes on the basket of bread. Which caused Robert to laugh even more and if possible Ashley to blush even more.

I smiled to myself. I knew she had a crush on him. Who wouldn't. The man was certainly making a name for himself and he had the body to back it up.

I had met him once. Mom who went to all those gatherings introduced us. He was roughly the same shape and build as I was, perhaps with a bit more muscles. In fact we had similar features well except our hair colour and eyes. His were blue and mine were a dark shade of green.

I knew this was more than a fan girl crush to Ashley. Ashley was not the one to fall into love so easily. This must be serious. And from the looks of it everyone could tell. But as far as I knew nothing had happened between the two of them.

But it was still fun to see her blush and be embarrassed.

The conversation was soon off the mega movie star. We were all chatting and catching up. Most of the conversation was about life and what movies Robert was in. Life in Hollywood and the crazy things we do and are caught in camera. It was all going well.

We were into our main course meal and I was taking a bite of my pasta with grilled fish when Judy who was laughing at a joke froze. Her face looked like they had seen a ghost. And her face was draining of all color. As I was sitting directly across from her I was the first to see this. She was asking her head I think in disbelief.

What was up with. I figured it was something that had to be behind me.

Turning my head to see what had cause adjust to go into shock I swear I nearly went into shock myself.

Because standing there was my savior. My savior had just walked into the restaurant. My heart was beating erratically.

I don't think anyone else saw what I had seen but I was wrong.

As I turned my head in daze back to the table Eric had the same troubled look on his face. He had his mouth open like a fish. Everyone else was too busy paying attention to Robert and his stories to see what was happening.

But I didn't care. Only one thing mattered. And her name was Diane.

Diane was here.