Chapter 28

"Good morning mom" Diane said cheerfully giving her mom a kiss

"Good morning sweetie" cutting up some green peppers.

"How was the party?" pouring herself some juice and taking a seat at the island.

She just groaned.

"That bad huh?"

"I am so glad that you didn't come. Too many vultures and colds"


"Yes. News got passed around like the cold" she explained.

"I get it" she laughed. "Did you stay the whole time?"

"No. I left early and then took a drive around the city" slightly blushing. "So how was your night?" she asked her changing the subject.

"We watched movies and played some board games. I tried waiting up for you but I was exhausted so I went to bed at 10"

"That is okay sweetie. I got home 20 minutes later"

"Oh that is good. So what happened at the party?"

Before she could answer George's booming voice came from the door.

"Hello, hello, hello. "Where is everybody?"

"In the kitchen" Diane yelled.

"I will tell you later" Esther said to Diane who nodded to her

"Good morning. Look who is here" George walked into the kitchen.

"Alex" Diane cried standing up to hug her friend and colleague.

"Mom you remember Alexander Tay right? Roberts nephew?

The boys' hero?" Diane turned to her mom.

"I do. Hello Alexander" politely nodding her head.

"George I didn't know Alex was coming over"

"Yeah, we are going over some budgets and some scenes"

"Oh. Can I sit in?" she asked eagerly. She could pick up some stuff.

"Sure. You could pick up something kid" George joked.

"Alex you don't mind?"

"Of course not" pouring himself some juice.

George came to where Esther was cutting up some vegetable and fruits. "So Esther what are you cooking?"

"George it is a new invention. Something called breakfast"

Diane interrupted her mother. Getting him back for his earlier joke. George stuck his tongue out at him.

"So Esther, how was your night?" George asked her

"Okay" she said quietly.

"Just okay. Nothing exciting happen?" he asked again smirking

"Wait a minute. Is that a hickey on your neck" George asked pointing at her neck

"What" she gasped. Her hand flying towards her neck in horror.

"A hickey. That is a hickey on your neck" he yelled at the same time taking a closer look at her neck.

"Oh my goodness you're right, it is a hickey. It's small but it is hickey alright. That is probably why I totally missed it. Mom?" Diane questioned her mother.

Esther blushed and turned away. "This is not what it looks like. I don't know how it got there" covering her neck with her hand.

"Of course you don't. Let me guess you were vacuuming and fell."Diane teased rolling her eyes.

"Esther you sly fox. Okay I see, I see. Okay now who is it?" George asked with glee and excitement rubbing his hands together.

"It's no one" she blushed.

"Yeah right. And I am George Clooney" came the sarcastic reply of George.

"You couldn't be. You're not that handsome" Diane quipped.

"Not to mention that talented" Alex teased.

"Hey! Esther is the one on the hot seat" he protested. His arms across his chest and his feet apart and his face with a ridiculous stern expression on her face he turned to Esther

"Okay, young lady. Who is this man and what does he do? And what car does he drive"

"George leave mom alone"

"Thank you Diane" she couldn't take any more of this embarrassment. Why didn't she wear a turtleneck?

"I will find out sooner or later" she said with a sly grin.

"As will I. And I will be waiting at on the porch with my gun"

"Come on boys let's leave mom to her cooking and start our meeting"

George gave her one last wink and then followed Diane's to his office.

"I will be in there a second. I am just finishing up this drink"

Alex called after them.

He finished the drink and walked over to the sink to place the glass in. Turning and leaning against the counter he gazed at Esther cutting some tomatoes. Taking in Esther's appearance she was wearing a green blouse and tight fitting jeans and her hair was in one single braid.

Simply put, this woman was too damn beautiful for her own good.

"You know" breaking the silence which startled the woman to drop her knife. He strolled towards her from behind and placing both hands on either side of her he successfully trapped her.

Then placing his hands on her hips he pulled her to him "Next time, I will be sure to make those hickeys bigger. That way no one will ever miss them" he growled softly in her ear.

Then spinning her around he pulled her close to him and then he gave her a soft and long kiss on the lips.

Then he walked away. Leaving a room who was wondering to herself when her life got so complicated.