Chapter 44


He was at the house. It had been a long and tedious journey and process finding this woman. He had looked everywhere, had searched for all the contacts and still nothing. The only other option was to have someone start stalking the production studio. They were in the middle of filming the last two seasons. His gamble had paid off. Despite this being a strenuous journey it had certainly paid off. He had more than enough information that he could use to his advantage.

What did it take for one person to heed his call? He had been leaving countless of messages but still no avail. But now he knew where she lived. The little wench didn't move back to her place. She didn't even get a place at all for that matter.

She was still a social climbing little wench that hang on to any rich person like a wench.

He rang the doorbell twice.

No answer.

He rang it again.

Still no answer.

Where could she be? He knew for a fact that she had come straight home from the studio. He started to bang the door.

Well tough luck, he would stay all night here until he got what he wanted.

He was just about to raise his hand again when he heard the lock clicking. The door swung open and lo and behold was Esther.

Her face turned into a nasty frown and disgust and disdain.

What did he want now? And most importantly what was he doing here? Since the preliminary hearing he had been blowing up her phone, emails and even fax. She had had to change her numbers and all her contacts. Couldn't he take a hint? She wanted nothing to do with him. Nothing at all. If he died today she would go to his funeral.

To drink and celebrate and toasting to his journey to hell.

She tried to close the door, but he pushed past her and came in.

Looking around the room, he whistled. "I take it that George did the decorating?"

She said nothing. She was too dazed. Did he really just barge into her house? How dare he? But two could play at the same game. She had an advantage. She was a woman.

"Get out" she demanded. She knew that exchanging words with him wasn't going to get her anywhere. If anything, it would lead down a road of never ending insults.

"I think he did. I mean you might be making a lot more money now. But trash is still trash"

Ignoring the insult she opened the door wider "I said get out" she demanded.

"I mean you can take a pig and put on pearls, but at the end of the day it is still a pig" he spat.

"You should know about never changing. Oh and try this analogy, dogs can be fathers but that doesn't change the fact that it is still a dog" slamming the door. This was about to go down and she would prefer if the neighborhood didn't have a

front row seat.

"Don't you dare talk about me in that voice" he snarled. This woman was the cause of all he was going through.

"Why? Because you are Eric Timmons who can keep a woman.

No I am sorry, can't respect and be faithful to a woman" in an airy voice.

You are one to talk" he sneered. "You had an affair with a married man"

"Because you blackmailed and lied to me. You knew how vulnerable I was and you took advantage"

"Hey, I saw a place open for business and I took advantage.

Not my fault that you are a natural hoe" making a leer and vile reference that Esther was a night walker.

"You are so disgusting Eric. You are truly devoid of any human morals" she snarled.

He looked taken aback. He still couldn't comprehend that this woman had and could backtalk to him.

"Now before I call the police get out"

He startled to chuckle "Honey, I own the police. And if you think that just because George is a movie star that the world revolves around him, please reconsider. Businessmen trump celebrities any day. We run the world"

"But not your own lives. That is why, you are incapable of any human morals. Money, prestige, pride, take place of love, honesty and mercy. And that is why you are nothing but an ass. Now get out, I won't ask again"

"No. I am here to talk about something more important than our past differences" sighing.

"We settled our past years ago. Now get out!"

"Come on Esther" trying to sweet talk her.

"Get out Mr. Timmons" she said for the last time through gritted teeth.

"I will be back" he promised walking out.

She mumbled "In hell" slamming the door


The day had finally arrived. There was a flourish of excitement, dread and mumbling of prayers. As per agreement they were heading to a mutual conference room up state. The place was lavished and secured. Of course neither side trusted the other so, bodyguards and agents had been sent ahead of times to see to it that no bugs had infested the place or anything that would give the other side an advantage. No expenses had been spared. No stone had been left unturned. Every point of view, every possible argument and psych test had been performed over and over again until perfection was given.

Why go through all this trouble? The answer was simple, both companies knew that this meeting could be the calm before the big storm. Everyone was advised to be on their best behaviors. And by best behaviors, doing absolutely anything and everything possible to win. Using character-shaming, money, blackmail, words or even sex to get what was needed.

As the hands of the clocks slowly ticked to ten o'clock, Nina standing across the street looked to the 14th floor of the building, with a cup of tea in one hand and files in the other started her journey to the building.

"The hour of truth has finally arrived" she whispered to her client.

"You sound so old" Diane joked.

"I am only 45" she said in fake indignation. "Besides, I have a hubby that keeps me young" she said with a wink.

Diane laughed. She knew exactly what Nina was trying to do.

Distracting her so she didn't focus on the impending meeting.

She had hardly slept a wink. She was tossing and turning all night. Her mind had been playing parallel universe of what her life will be of the different ways that this meeting could go.

Mentally she was preparing her life for the changes that could possibly happen with the outcome of this meeting either good or bad.

"I shouldn't have worn this dress. It is starting to get chilly out" Diane said, shivering a bit in the chilly September air. A signal that summer was over.

"No way. I think you look cute. And besides as I always say-"

"What do you always say?" Diane couldn't help but cut in. She knew that it annoyed Nina to no end when people always interrupted when she started to utter her favorite catchphrase.

Giving her a fake glare causing Diane to giggle. "As I was saying, you got to look pretty, dressed up and dolled in every situation. Whether, winning, losing, going to prison, murder or even beating up someone. Let your last picture be memorable"

"will keep that in mind" pushing the elevator button.

There was silence during the ride up. Nina respecting the fact that Diane needed this moment to prepare herself mentally and physically.

Finally they reached the designated room. Everyone seemed to be already there outside the room. The Dwights and their lawyer, a young man.

'Guess they changed lawyers" Nina thought to herself. She was a little surprised. She expected a whole army of lawyers even in a mediation meeting. And this new lawyer was a little bit young to be handling a case such as this. But Nina knew better than to judge a book by its covers.

Also present was Jude, George's lawyer. George couldn't be here today. He had a meeting with a judge and social worker regarding his sister's conduct and the possibility of taking complete custody of Fifa. It was ironic and unfortunate that the meeting was on the same day that they Diane was going to the court appointed mediation meeting.

Jude was already up and giving them both hugs. A longer one for Diane. He knew how stressful tis was for her. He knew it, Diane knew it and Nina knew it that the Dwights never went down without a fight. They were fighting tooth and nail on this case. The night before had been spent on preparations and psych questioning.

"How you doing?" he whispered to Diane. He was here for support. Nothing should be put past the Dwights.

"Well" managing a small smile.

"Hang in there. We are going to get through this, okay?" squeezing her hand in assurance.

"Of course. Hey I couldn't reach George, is he okay?" even if her mind was going a hundred miles per hour, she was still concerned about George.

"He is fine. He called me 3 a.m. to order me to win this case" chuckling softly. "Any way I talked to him half an hour ago. It is supposed to be a slam dunk case"

"Good. We need one good case today" reliving a breath.

Jude patted her back.

"Tell me, is this all they have got" Nina questioned nodding her head over to the other party.

"So far" not sounding convinced either.

They raised their eyebrows to each other but said nothing.