Chapter 50

"How are you?"

"Great. Listen, I would love to stay and chat but my family is waiting for me"

"Family? You mean Diane and my sons" he put it lightly.

"You must have the wrong person then. I don't have your sons. I have my sons. And if you want proof look at the passports. I am listed as their father" he couldn't help but say and was absolutely delighted to see Collins face swell in rage.

"Do you think that you are going to get away with this?" he growled.

"Hmm. That depends. Am I going to get away from you and this conversation without a splitting headache? I highly doubt it" he taunted. But with a smile. Service with a smile.

"You think this joke?" Collins growled lowly.

"No. I don't find this funny at all. I find nothing funny when it concerns my fiancé and kids"

"Oh speaking of kids how is your niece?" Collins asked with a sly smile.

For a moment George froze. Then he forced his face to become neutral. The last thing he wanted was for Collins to know that his words affected him. But how dare he?

"Oh I am sorry, it is daughter now, right? How is she adjusting being in a different environment, you know away from all drugs and men and neglect?" he asked with a happy smile.

George took a deep breath and gave him a great big smile "My daughter is just fine. She is adjusting to her new home and new environment very well. And I think that has to do with her brothers being so kind and protective of her"

Collins fists clenched with rage. But he continued to speak in a tight voice.

"Do you really think that is good idea? I mean you don't know what habits that child might have picked up and passing it along to two innocent boys. I thought you would be a better father than that" he snapped.

"This might be something that the judge should be aware of don't you think?" showing him his pearly whites.

George let out a sigh. He wanted nothing more than to pour acid on his face and watch him squirm on the ground. Was this little bitch seriously bad mouthing his daughter? For crying out loud Fifa was not even five years old! This little boy needed to get a life. But he was not going to go off on him. He instead folded his arms and said in a somber voice

"You know whilst we are on the subiect of children I got to tell you something honest and true. Mr. Dwight you really must have a couple of kids of your own. It is such a rewarding experience. Waking up to them beating you with pillows, cooking with them, taking them to school, raising them right" his eyes filled with fondness of the memories.

George knew exactly what he was doing. He was riling him up to force him to lose his cool. Nothing was more entertaining than to see a man lose his cool. His soul and heart becomes so transparent to view and rule. And Collins was falling right into his trap. He was just burning with rage. He wanted nothing more than to pummel him to the ground.

"Honestly, you should consider having a couple yourself. It is really a rewarding experience. There is no greater role. I can honestly not imagine a life without them. And from man to man I wouldn't want you to miss out on that experience"

George continued.

And that did it. Collins stood up abruptly ready to punch George right in the face. He had his arm drawn back but before he could land a punch or at least a slap, he was stopped by a loud pair of heels clicking on the tiles towards them. Out of curiosity, Collins turned his head and saw Diane.

She was in a black jumpsuit with silver heels. She gave them both a smile but George' smile was genuine.

"Hello. Hey, babe the kids are waiting for you. What is taking you so long?" she said with a smile.

"Sorry sweetheart, but I was just talking with Mr. Dwight here" he said with a sweet smile and standing up.

"Mr. Dwight" giving him a nod.

"Mr. Sinclair" he bit back through clenched teeth.

"Oh and Mr. Dwight think about what I said about having your own children. It might be the best job in the world" giving him a smile and then it changed to a frown

"Then again it might not be for everyone. Some people were born and destined not to have or raise children" he continued maintaining a frown on his face.

Diane nearly laughed out loud. George was really the master of throwing shade. However, it might not be a good idea to goad Collins. It was like poking a bear. But then again it was just so damn funny.

"Come on sweetie" wrapping his arm around her.

"I will see you soon, Mrs. Reyes. You know, when the judge awards me custody" Collins promised with an evil smirk on his face.

"I hope it is custody of another brain" George muttered under his breath.

"From your vantage point it may seem so. And I would retort, but it would just be moot" Diane replied rolling his eyes and pulling George along.

But she stopped halfway through and turned to face him

"Oh and Mr. Dwight the restraining order also applies to my fiance and my three children and mother. So have a nice day....two football fields away from us"

Then with a bouncy smile they were off.