Lulu I : Dubious Hair

After my hair began to grow things became weird at my home, upon seeing myself in the mirror I had crawled my way to, I saw an adorable baby girl with crystal blue eyes dark blue hair, and a light tan skin complexion with slightly pointy ears.[1]

Blue hair... In this world there seemed to be something special about blue hair. When my mother saw my hair color she started to have a worried expression on her face.

That was when she called her parents, my grandparents. I couldn't make out her words except for my name, I mean it's not like she was speaking in English.

All I knew was that she seemed to be worried about something, extremely so, it also seemed like as soon as my hair began to grow she also started hiding me from my father.

Whenever my father was supposed to come home she'd hide me or send me to my grandparent's home.

It was strange and quite scary, to be honest. Why go through so much effort to hide me from him?

I was currently watching TV on the large virtual screen with my mother. I was currently a year old as of now. I can walk with no issues! though I do still fall sometimes, that's beside the point.

My show is coming on, the Super Rangers Is coming on. It's a show about teenagers who were given these powers and cool-looking suits by some weird alien computer thing. Though the special effects are a bit cheap the show is quite fun to watch. They even hired good actors for the show, even better!

– "Mama, mama!" I signaled towards my mother with my tiny arms and chubby hands at the TV.

– "Ok, ok Lulu, I'm changing the channel now." She chuckled at the cute behavior as she fiddled with the remote.

Go Go Super Rangers!

Doon Doon Doon Doon Doon Doon!

Go Go Super Rangers!

Doon Doon Doon Do...

Watching this show was one of the few joys I've had to pass the time while my mother was busy, there were a few other shows as well, thankfully though they come on at different times throughout the day.

When mom went to work she would often take me with her, but ever since my hair started growing she reluctantly stopped bringing me with her, instead, I was taken to my grandparent's home.

My grandparents were also amazing, my mother herself looked quite young, but so did my grandparents. You could tell they were old though.

At the moment mom was working from home so I was able to spend some more time with her. As I was watching my show she was sitting next to me typing away at her laptop.

She worked in a giant tower that was in the city neighboring ours, which also seemed to be busier than ours, it also happened to be in the center of the city.

When I first saw the many things at home and the hospital I thought the world was only slightly futuristic, but I was wrong. It was incredibly futuristic, there were even flying ships moving around through the sky.

I also figured out the most obvious thing, I'm not human, nobody is human. Though I guess that would be obvious when looking at their ears and others that had somewhat unique features.

I don't even think I'm on some version of Earth, the planet is just so unique, I swear I saw a cute flying animal that looked similar to a cat. I want one, but that can wait.

A commercial suddenly came on as the show went on pause, seeing this, I hopped off the fluffy couch and scurried into the kitchen. Grabbing a few snacks and my blanket, before scurrying back to the couch.

– My mom just shook her head as she looked at me cozying up on the couch, "You didn't get any for me, Lulu?"

– "Mama and I share!" I confidently spoke to her as I let out the blanket.

– Seeing this my mother put her hands over her chest, "My Lulu Is so thoughtful! But I think that blanket might be a bit too small."

I frowned before once again scurrying away, coming back with another, larger cover that I was dragging on the floor.

– Stopping by my mom I held it up, "Big 'nough!"

– Watching this she quickly pulled me into a hug as she started rubbing my head, "You're so cute Lulu, I guess I can just finish my work later. "

– "a." Noticing that the commercials ended I quickly hopped on the couch and snuggled up in the large cover with her.

Closing up her laptop and moving it to the side, mom and me bundled up together watching TV and eating snacks for the rest of the day.


– "Come on Lulu, it's time to get up." Speaking in a quiet voice mom gently shook me awake. "You're going to your grandparents today."

– "Mmmm... ok..." Slowly stirring awake I rubbed my eyes as I tiredly spoke up, I looked around the room, mom had cleaned up our mess from last night and was currently folding up the cover.

I slid off the couch and followed mom into her room, where she got a set of clothes and dressed me up in a cute little black skirt with a small grey sweater over a white shirt with a sunflower flower on it, while my sweater had a red rose stitched into the back.

After washing my face off mom went and got dressed as well, she had on black jeans and a long blue shirt that had frills at the end of her arm sleeves, and at the ends of the shirt, which went down to her knees.

– Putting two small blue orb earrings in her ears she was ready to go, "Sorry for the wait, Lulu, let's get going." Picking me up she carried me in her arms as we left the house.

Outside the house was a pleasant sight, there was a large pink and purple tree, that had red and blue leaves. the grass was a bluish-green color making for a beautiful combination with the trees. in the sky were two moons that still hung in the sky due to the early morning.

Putting a beanie on my head to cover my hair mom quickly put me in the car and buckled me into the car seat passing me a small stack to eat on the way.

Whenever we left the house my mom seemed to be extra nervous and conscious about showing even a centimeter of my hair, just this alone made me curious, but if my usually smiley mom became somewhat serious due to this, I assumed It was something shouldn't bring it up. At least not until I'm older.

The car ride was quite enjoyable, I and my mom were listening to music and the car and were singing together, though I couldn't pronounce every word, I was mumbling it though.

The streets seemed to get busier though, my grandparents lived near the Tower in the center of the city neighboring ours. This made it much easier since mom works there, while my grandparents, although company owners, only did meetings at the home, so I just need to hide in my room when they have guests over.

Oops, I derailed a bit. Due to the city always bustling there were always some pretty busy rush hours was quite horrendous, there were flying and floating vehicles but mom doesn't own one of those.

Strangely enough, this slow traffic seemed quite different from the usual, and soon I was proven correct.

As we slowly moved through the slow traffic a checkpoint that was occupied by soldiers was sitting at the entrance of the city. The soldiers were in semi-futuristic armor that was nicely implemented into their military uniform in a way that made them complement each other.

– Pulling up to the checkpoint mom rolled her windows down as she spoke to the man with a pad in his hands, "What's going on? This wasn't here last week?"

– Not bothering to look up, "Nothing of concern ma'am, just a few questions for you. Name please."

– Sighing at the man's behavior, my mom just shook her head. "Latia Bavel."

– "Any other passengers in your vehicle?" The man looked up from his pad and started scrutinizing her for a moment

– "My Daughter, Lulia Bavel." Rolling the back window down, she made it so he could see me.

– "Ok, the purpose of your visit?"

– "Work and visit."

– "Ahem, sorry for wasting your time Ma'am, you can be on your way." Clearing his voice the man signaled a soldier to open the blockade as he signaled another vehicle to pull up.

– "Thank you." Rolling up the windows and driving off my mom let out a pent-up sigh she had held inside.

Watching her and the entire interaction... not being able to understand anything! Curse this infant flesh vessel! I need to learn how to speak more words. My chubby hands clenched as my eyes sparkled as my mom merely chuckled at my randomness.


[1]: Babies usually begin growing hair between 6 to 12 months old.