Banquet In The Stars III : Dance with the Stars II

The Ring was Pulsing.

It pulsed a multitude of times, the ring pumped out a blue energy field all around it, then it pulsed again, and the energy field shot out even further. This process was repeated a few more times before the field passed over the Detrid ships. Once it did the ships began screeching and creaking as the ship began to compress themselves.

The sounds of the many pilots' screams of pain as they were compressed with the ship rang out through all the radios within the command room, the ships that were being compressed after a long minute the ships along with their pilots were soon compressed out of existence, yet it didn't stop there.

The Field still pulsed out further and further as it began to come in closer to the planet, attempting to do the same to the planet and all of its inhabitants.

– "...The pilots have gone radio silent General." One of the operators hesitantly spoke out loud.

– "...Is every remaining pilot still within the planet's atmosphere?" Sighing, Nizael asked about the remaining pilots.

She stared at several different satellite images that showed the events transforming in space. She stared at it anxiously; She knew that this was barely the tip of the iceberg when it came to the Ring's power, so she was slightly worried about what it is capable of.

– "...Y-Yes! All friendly pilots are engaged with the Kritol ships, the Field has... wiped all friendlies out of the atmosphere." Another operator responded, still in shock from what she just witnessed.

– "Good, tell them to stay within the planet's atmosphere, I don't want them to be caught in that Compression Field." Giving an order, Nizael already understood what that attack was. She also concluded it held some form of magnetic tool.

She continued watching the screens hoping to discern new information that would help protect her people – and there it was. The Compression Field was encroaching the planet with each pulse, and just as it was about to enter its atmosphere a beam of white energy shot into the sky from the planet.

As The beam entered the Exosphere it went to its very edge before spreading out and covering the entire planet as if protecting it; And that's exactly what it did, when the Compression Field made contact with the shield It sparked a reaction as the Field quivered before being sent back towards the Kritol Fleet.

The Field being sent back was now causing many Kritol ships to compress similar to what happened to the Detrids earlier. As if it immediately knew the weapon wasn't going to work on the planet the Ring immediately stopped its pulsing.

Witnessing the miracle many people began to break out in cheer, at the defense. Nizael however, was scrutinizing where the beam had been shot from, and Helia was looking at her facial expression.

– "Find out where that beam was shot from, immediately!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, quickly shutting down the cheers.

The loud and numerous clicking of keys spread within the room as they were searching all feeds and cameras near the bean to pinpoint its origin point. When they did find it, they were shocked, to say the least.

– "General! The shield was fired from Asora's Rift! It's specifically in the part near Tyvella's Crypt in the Spectral forest!?" One of the operators sang out in surprise, bewildered when she found out it was near Tyvella's Crypt.

– "Tyvella's Crypt?..." Mumbling under her voice, Nizael thought of the possibility– no it wasn't possible for her.

She wouldn't be able to make it to that part of the Rift before the next Rift shift even if she took their fastest ship. She had to give up the thought, but this event has assured her even more. The Parallel Ring was indeed the planet, and in Asora's Rift, meaning she was once more resolved to find it.

Looking back at the screen she knew something was wrong. Even though they no longer had the ability to thoroughly wipe them out the fleet remained sitting in place, no ship showed any movement signaling retreat.

Seeing the lack of enemy retreat Nizael gnashed her teeth, as she turned to Coraline Mellin. She stepped toward him as she asked a question she asked previously.

– "How much time until the Anti-Space cannons fire?"

– "Less than five minutes General!" He checked his wrist timer.

– "Tell them to find a way to hold off the cannons for a while longer, there is something I must do."

– "They will only be able to hold it off for an extra fifteen minutes, or else the Flauna will begin to overflow, and forcefully separate the streams." Mellin Informed her.

– "That's fine, that should be enough time," She assured the man.

"I will be joining the fray. I need all of you to keep watch over the situation, I don't want any more unnecessary losses, am I understood?"

– "Ma'am, yes Ma'am!!!!!" Yelling to her with voices full of vigor, all the people in the command room gave her a salute, to which she returned to them.

Knowing that the separation would cause an explosion of great magnitude, she merely nodded her head as she stepped out of the room with Helia following. Leaving command of the situation in the hands of Coraline Mellin.

As she walked through the Hanger she passed a gun rack, and she grabbed two handguns off while Helia went to a nearby crate and picked up more ammunition for her handgun. Nizael approached a two-man ship, it had a heavy turret placed under its beak, with missile launchers attached to both of its wings. The ship was painted silver and held thrusters rutting out the backsides and wings and small but sturdy wheels going across the bottom of the sleek ship.

Scaling up the rolling stairs to the pilot seat she turned to face Helia who was checking her Air Cannon and handgun.

– "Prepare yourself, we'll be boarding the Dreadnought." She stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

– "Didn't I tell you not to rush to do things on your own," Helia sighed hearing the plan.

– "That's why you're going to be coming with me, imagine that, a little field trip on a Kritol Dreadnought for you and me. Anyway, it should be fine as long as you don't burn my ship down we should be good." Nizael responded to her with a laid-back response.

– "We've already been on quite a few though. Anyway, what's the plan of the oh-so-mighty General of the Collective?" She commented and asked in a slightly sarcastic manner.

– "That's quite simple actually. We'll just rush in, also..." Pausing, Nizael looked Helia up and down before she could enter the ship, turning to a nearby soldier she spoke to him.

"Bring us a uniform for Lieutenant General Urnfox."

– "Ma'am, yes Ma'am!" Saluting the soldier rushed off to fetch the clothes.

Helia also looked at herself. She had forgotten she's been fighting and walking around in this ruined dress the entire time; Taking off her flats, she tossed them to the side and hopped into the secondary pilot seat, that was situated behind Nizael – planning to change while they take flight.

As their ship prepared to take flight they drove the ship into the center of the runway, and with the hanger doors open and everyone out of the way. Nizael blasted through the open space, – Ouch – causing Helia to fumble as she was changing her clothes, heading her head against the glass as well.

They quickly passed through a lightly lit tunnel that soon revealed light at the end of it, and once they got there they shot for the stars; Zooming out of the exit which was hidden in the forest on the outskirts of the city.

They entered the busy skies that were above the city. There were even more pillars of smoke than she was able to see when she was within the Bavel estate. There were no longer any civilians running along the streets.

Detrid soldiers were scouring the streets searching for stranded, there were no nor were there any vehicles moving about in the skies, only Detrid assault ships, and Kritol assault ships; Nizael spotted a handful of Kritol ships. Yanking the Yoke towards herself the ship sharply and violently shot upwards, they pierced the clouds as she eased up on the Yoke and positioned them above the nearest Kritol ship.

– "Hey Helia! Press the button, let's get pointy, eh?" Nizael laughed telling Helia to do something.

– "Why... wait, noooo-'" She spoke as the ship was swerved once more, this time downwards.

Not even allowing her to give a reply Nizael launched the ship downward barreling towards the Kritol ships at full momentum. Helia quickly pressed the button which caused the ship's beak to gleam and spin at dangerous speeds. In short, as soon as Nizael and Helia's ship ran into the unaware Kritol ship, drilling into the ship and tearing it and the pilot apart, blood splattered on the glass.

Grinning from ear to ear, Nizael clicked a few buttons as their glass was wiped off and she calmed down their slight turbulence.

Helia was visibly annoyed, weren't they going to the Dreadnought? Why is she playing with these assault ships? Hitting the back of Nizael's seat Helia took hold of the guns and began firing at the enclosing Kritol ships, while she was shooting Nizael was maneuvering the ship, dodging the incoming bombardments of attacks.

– "Nizael we must head to the Dreadnought right away, we shouldn't be wasting time like this. Even though the Towers haven't finished charging yet when they hold the charged weapon we won't have much time!" Helia spoke out to Nizael, calling her without rank.

While she was saying that a ship was coming from under them while firing its lasers; Nizael swerved their ship out to the side where they were attacked by another barrage of lasers that she once more dodged.

– "Right, right. Sorry about that Urnfox, I tend to get overly ambitious these days. We'll get out of this right now,'' Nizael responded.

With her words Nizael put the ship in hover mode and popped open the glass above her, she stood up as her hands began to glow with great white light and heat. – Huuuu – letting out a deep breath, Nizael shot the white light out of her hands, they got to the Kritol ships at a moment's notice and immediately swallowed them whole; The only thing left in the vicinity being Nizael, Helia, and their ship.

"Great. Let's go now," Nizael asserted as she sat back down, closing the glass.