Nellia Got Force

Gripping her hands in the air she rotated them in a circle and tore them away as a large tear in space appeared in front of her, which she hopped through, appearing in the super mall.

Rolling into the mall Nellia felt a rise in the temperature and d the Nyanal fly above her as she observed the fires around her and the front entrance of the mall. The figures that she saw before were already in the mall, and they were revealed to be Kritol Frames. The entrance door was destroyed and with screams, people were rushing deeper into the mall, attempting to escape from the massacre that started only a moment ago.


The Frames broke through the door's barricades quickly and began ripping into the people, plunging their large blades into their bodies, spilling pools of blood at the entrance. Hovering above the Frames was a ball of metal that had a revealed core in the shape of an eye.

Wherever it turned to it would fire out a beam that would nearly vaporize whatever it hit; Fire had spread on the floor as the Frames moved and followed after the civilians, their loud steps resonating.

They had paused in their steps, the space before them was warping as a tear connecting with the outside appeared in front of them. A feminine figure rolled out of it as it soon closed leaving her there in a vigilant stance as a Nyanal that was on her head was now in the air, circling above her.

The eye floating above the Frames was eying her as its metal shell rotated with clicks, and it began to glow a red light as it faced her. Not even a moment later a beam was shot at Nellia at an unbelievable speed.

Not having enough time to react, Nellia tried to sidestep the beam, barely dodging it as it burned the right sleeve of her coat. After dodging it she was met with the large fist of a Frame; Not expecting it, the first slammed into her face and sent her crashing through a few aisles.

The Nyanal let out multiple mu's as it circled above where she had crashed into. Rising from the wall of products she had crashed into, Nellia pushed another wall off of her as she felt the blood leaking from her nose, lip, and the broken skin on her forehead.

Nellia wasn't used to combat, she might have become powerful, but what is power without experience? She never fought anyone, she never entered a war, she only risked her life once or twice, and those were solved by simple overpowered use of her powers — meaning she earned null experience from these events.

The situation could easily be solved if she used her abilities to the max but if she did that she'd be exhausted or she'd pass out; There was no telling what would happen if that happened to her during a situation such as this, if maybe there was a way to tell what would happen to her – she would most likely die.

After picking herself up, Nellia left her coat on the floor and unbuttoned her suit vest, and tied up her shoulder-length hair; She was lucky she didn't wear heels today. She would stand her ground here and protect the remaining civilians that were now hiding in the storage area of the mall.

The Frames were crashing through the aisle walls and were quickly encroaching on her position, as they were doing so, Nellia caught sight of the eye moving above the aisles, and now it began to glow its violent red light once more.

This time, deciding to be more aware of her surroundings, Nellia made notes of where the Frames surging at her were, and this time dodged the fast beam as well as the first of one of the Frames that she had moved towards. Even though she had dodged it, Nellia was hit once more as the Frame had twisted and slapped her away with its other arm.

After being slapped by the Frame she was sent sliding across the aisle and was once more hit as another frame broke through the aisle and hit her on the back, right back at the Frame that had just slapped her.

The eye had stopped its firing of beams as it watched the Frames smacking Nellia around before turning to look for the civilians, at least before it felt a massive crushing force causing it to quickly retreat; The other Frames were not so lucky.

The crushing force had originated from Nellia who had had enough of being tossed around. Finally being able to bring the force out of her body, she brought her hands out and quickly smashed her hands together, and the two Frames that had been juggling her earlier paused in their movements, and the sound of many things crushing rang out in her ears.

Many of the aisles and their products were crushed, flattened into the ground, and following that were the Frames that were flattened only slightly slower than everything else; The Frames were flattened into metal plates and multiple streams of Flauna flew out of them, only to freeze in place then to be violently taken apart due to the movements of Nellia's hands.

With the Frames flattened, Nellia dropped her arms back to her side and looked around before looking up at the eye. They were looking toward each other, not breaking eye contact as they were there in silence. The silence was soon broken by Nellia's sudden coughing, coughing up the blood that had built up in her throat and mouth.

While she was being juggled each time she got hit she would be knocked out of focus so it was hard to summon the focus needed to draw out her crushing force. She had a hard time escaping the juggling due to a third Frame joining in when she finally halted herself from being knocked to one of them – She had to grow used to and ignore the pain she was feeling to focus enough to crush them, and she was able to do it.

Using up a great portion of her ability she was able to flatten them nicely, all except the eye, and the little Nyanal that is. Nellia was aware that she might need the energy later if she wanted to protect the people in the mall so she tried to think of a way to do that.

And as if the answer to her questions, the little Nyanal in the air went into action; Its wings flapped with great intensity and its claws and fangs extended and became frighteningly sharp. The Nyanal flew directly at the distracted eye and swiped its sharp claws, missing.

The eye had moved backward in the air to dodge the animal's claws, Nellia was intrigued by the. change. Never having seen a Nyanal fight had led to its transformation surprising her; Now her want to visit Nizael heightened as she wanted to ask an experienced individual what they knew about Nyanals.

The little Nyanal barrel rolled with its wings as it dodged to the side, avoiding the eye's red beam, which was followed by many more beams shooting at it. The eye fired its beams like a burst rifle and moved quickly in response to the little Nyanal's movements.

The Nyanal continued attacking it, clawing at it only to claw at the air, chomping at it – only to bite at the air; Overall its attacks were essentially pointless due to the eye's swift movements. The eye was in the same predicament though.

It fired its beams at the ferocious beasts while it tried to traverse through the air. It concluded that if it let things be then it would end up becoming scrap metal. So it changed its target, It suddenly stopped moving backward and flew under the Nyanal's claw swipe and darted at Nellia.

It once more began to glow and started to fire its beams once more, the beams moved on a straight path uninterrupted as they sped towards the focused Nellia. Deciding to use this as practice she outstretched her arms and legs as she got in stands that would allow for more mobility.

Focusing her full weight down on her legs she firmly planted herself on the ground, when the first bean approached her she slid on one of her feet in a one-eighty to her right, after that she bent her back backward barely dodging the second beam, following which she continuously used the eye to gain more experience in dodging its beams.

As the eye was firing at Nellia and she was dodging it, the Nyanal was committed to assaulting it; Slapping the eye with its claws the Nyanal sent it crashing into the mall floor using its crash Nellia rushed at it and used her hand and slammed it on the eye once more slamming the eye into the floor, it began to shake and spark as the glow of the eye began to dim with its cracked core and exterior.

The core crumbled while its shaking ceased, the core was now a pile of a fine red powder, no longer emanating the once dangerous red Flauna it laid there as Nizael lifted her hand from the wrecked machine before looking at the remains of the core.

– "Hmmm... I expected Flauna to be released from the eye. Must be the fact that they have a physical core, unlike the Frames. General Bavel never told me about them having solid cores from what she recalled."

Putting her foot on the eye's outer shell she played with it by kicking it back and forth letting out a light hum. The Nyanal had transformed back into its cute fluffball self and landed on her shoulder it let out a satisfied "mu" while rubbing its head on her cheek.

Stroking the fur of the adorable creature that seemed to have become attached to her Nellia turned to where the civilians had holed themselves up. Patting herself down she took off her now ragged and ruined vest, now she only had on her red dress shirt and black dress pants — her dress shoes were rather durable as well, so they survived the battle.

Looking towards the entrance her eyes gravitated to the torn, ripped, and overall disfigured corpses of the citizens that weren't able to get far from the Frames in time. Even though she wanted to save as many people as possible there were still those she couldn't save and she knew that, especially now.

The mall was no longer a safe option for these people, even if she were to risk their lives to get them onto the streets and into the safety of the Brigid Tower she would prefer that than to leave them to an unknown fate of being out in the open. With this decision, she made her way over to the storage area to persuade them.

Lifting the protective screen of the area she stared down at the people sitting in the corners of the storage space. Many might think of the way she looked at them as her looking down on them but that was merely how she always looked, even if they knew her they would always misunderstand the looks she often gives.

She scanned the room with her indifferent gaze, getting a good look at the people occupying the space she formed an idea of what to do.

– "How idiotic. You hole yourselves up in a nonmilitary secured place during an invasion and risk all your lives, for what? Silly."

– "Well it was dangerous outside so-"

– "Shush, I don't want to hear any excuses."

Interrupting the man with gray plated skin, Nellia continued to chastise the civilians on their idiotic decisions — even commenting on the mother and father who had come here and left their children in this hazardous area. Her words, though lacking emotion, the indifference in her tone left them no chance to talk back.

– "Now. You all will follow me, onto the streets and we will go to the Brigid Tower perimeter and you will follow in silence, am I understood?"


Taking their silence as an affirmation Nellia stroked the Nyanal's head as she looked around this time scrutinizing the twenty or so people and paying attention to their bodies.

"Out of the lot of you, who has some semblance of combat capability?" she asked.

The people looked at each other, not wanting to be the first to raise their hands and set the precedent so after a few moments of silence and lack of an answer they began to feel the ruining mood of Nellia.

– "I... have security experience for Brigid Tower, though I was discharged."

A man with scales going crossed his cheeks and forearms there was a scar on his face and he was missing an eye and a few fingers on one of his hands, he seemed to have gone through quite a few experiences.

After the man raised his hands a few others followed suit and said where they got their combat experience from and introduced themselves as well; In total eight people admitted to having combat experience.

– "That should work... half of you will be in the back protecting the rear while the other half will be in the front, I shall lead in the very front. Let's head out, I don't want to waste time.

– "Er, yes!"

A few people gave somewhat motivated responses while others had slightly less motivated ones, following her onto the streets anyway.


On the streets, there was even more fire and destruction than she previously saw before, there were piles of rubble stacked around the streets and fires taking over many buildings.

Nellia stepped foot in the middle of the street as she watched the sky, several of the people with experience held onto private weapons so at least several of them were armed with something.

There were ships still taking up many spots in their airspace, though some of them belonged to friendly factions — the Brigid Tower and the Bavel family's private military. There were still hostile ships flying over the city, they had been walking through the streets for quite a while and had yet to run into any more Frames.

They were taking a short break as a pregnant woman was accompanying them, the people were talking to each other as Nellia stayed in the middle of the street watching the skies. That was when the sound of engines whirring entered her ears.