Questions For Tyvetta I

The bolt of lightning had struck down the beast clearly as it started disappearing, releasing whimpers of pain.

I stared at my palm in silence, this was an entirely... fascinating experience. Was this what Karma experienced whenever she reared her flames? It was a feeling I had never felt before, not even when I had Flauna forcefully pumped into my body.

When it was forcefully pumped into me my body would have to deal with stinging pain, I had to clench my teeth and bear with it. There were no alternatives.

Yet right now I was feeling energized, my body was spry, jumpy even – I've never felt this way, this need to move was an... unwelcomed feeling. I don't particularly appreciate moving, I've never liked it. I'd rather sit about at home, lay in bed cuddling with my pillows. I only bother moving now because it's necessary, or at least that's what grandma told me.

I don't like this feeling, that's because I know my body. The overwhelming pain I was feeling earlier might be numbed at the moment, but this was temporary. I'm weak, gaining control of lightning wouldn't change that fact.

This bolt of fluttering lightning in my arm was keeping it together, kinda.

After this high that I was currently on end, I'll face the after-effects of this entire situation. I'll collapse in a fit of pain, in a puddle of tears then I'll eventually pass out.

You know what. After describing what'll happen to me I honestly find it quite laughable, what was it that made the situation so freaking funny to me? Does it feel exaggerated, no, no? Getting my bones crushed would warrant that level of pain, then perhaps because it was inconceivable.

For me to have to experience such pain once again was sadly funny to me... Alright, that's enough contemplating for me, I need to sit down somewhere, I feel like this power thigh is going to fall soon.

Popping out of my thoughts I approached the dispersing wolf and sat in front of it... watching it dissipate. It was a fascinating sight that put a smile on my face – this thing nearly took off my arm. It was great seeing it disappear.

I sighed as it did so. Resting my head in my arm I stayed sat on the floor with my eyes closed, my breathing started to become erratic and the pain was returning.

I tried to calm my breathing by taking in deep breaths, but to no avail, the pain continued to hinder me. I clenched my eyes shut so much that it hurt to do so, This pain was building and building – the bolt in my arm was dispersing as the numbed pain was beginning to strike back.

My tear ducks automatically released the floor gates as I uncontrollably began to cry in pain. Not to mention crying, the pain stuck so fast and so suddenly that I couldn't even shout out in pain, only releasing inaudible gasps.

I could no longer think straight it all struck me in a flash. I would've why was I suffering under all this, that was what I would have asked myself if I could think so clearly right now; however, I couldn't, so I sat there, unable to think as I squirmed about on the floor.

This went on for minutes that felt like hours until a thought finally made its way into my head through this pain. My foggy gaze glossed over the Spectral Beasts that simply stood back and watched me.

The thought that entered my head was: "Where was Tyvella?"

I had completed and done what she wanted me to do right? It felt like what she wanted me to do was done, after all, nothing else was happening. The two off to the side weren't doing anything, they hadn't moved an inch and that violent wolf had dissipated into the air, joining the visible streams of Flauna.

I was waiting. Not willingly but I was still waiting – she was the one who brought me here. No, they all brought me here so It was only obvious that I hoped they would support me, heal me, hell. I'd be fine if they at least bandaged me up and gave me a painkiller.

As long as they could relieve this extreme pain of mine I would be happy. As happy as I am when I see my red-haired friend, Karma. Well, at least half of my joy in those moments.

Silly how I could joke with myself even in such pain. I soon began to grow used to the pain, at least enough so that I could lessen my squirming.

As I opened my teary eyes once more my ears twitched as I could hear the pitter-patter of feet coming from behind me and with the noise, the pain plaguing me was extinguished and my body began to calm.

There was only one person, one being able to bring such relief washing over my body and that was, Tyvetta.

"Ugh. Why'd you take so long to come back?"

Without looking at her, I held my head with a groan and spoke to Tyvetta.

"I'm sorry, Veltae. An annoying child was trying to start a fight with me. They were trying to tell me what to do and kept me from leaving. Hah, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting my child."

Tyvetta answered me in an apologetic tone. She gave her reasonings as I heard her soothing voice tinted with annoyance for the first time.


Still not looking in her direction, I rested my eyes. They had been quite busy for the past multitude of minutes, I was also assaulted by a wave of exhaustion that wouldn't go away – I resisted the urge to sleep though, this wasn't the proper situation to sleep no matter how much I wanted to.

I coughed as I responded to her. She was speaking of a child and I wondered who she meant, especially because she spoke to them with a tone of familiarity. Not to mention the fact that she mentioned that they kept her from leaving, I didn't think there was anybody that could do that.

So I answered her in the form of a question while displaying that curiosity with my body – wondering if she would answer my inquiries.

"Are you curious, dear? Well, simply said. My sisters were trying to tell me how things should be and how having you do this was a detriment and a wholly unnecessary procedure and process."

Tyvetta let out a sigh as she explained in slightly more detail, somewhat satisfying me to which I merely nodded my head – not asking her about it any further.

Turning around I wanted to look her in the eyes before we continued our conversation so I lifted my eyelids and upon opening them I was left speechless, her looks had changed since I last saw her and they were so familiar I was left to question myself.

She had changed to a look I swear that I've seen in the mirror many times in the past.

Her figure was no longer obscured by the swirls of red and blue and her clothing was swapped for a more comfy style as her skin was revealed to be of the same light-caramel complexion as mine and she had long ethereal blue hair going down to her waist, sharp and long ears, not to mention the crystal-like eyes that were a mirror image of mine.

If an outsider was to see us together – they might have confused us as being twins, or perhaps thought of her as being my mother. Even though I and my mother shared looks it looked as if her looks were copied and pasted onto me.

"Your hair is blue now?"

The change was something I didn't expect black to blue. Honestly, if it was a constant change it would be, no, it still is cool.

"Yeah, where else do you think your hair came from? It makes us look splendid, doesn't it?"

With a slightly smug tone, she twirled a lock of hair and stepped in front of me as I sat up. I was no longer in pain so I had plenty of focus now – the reason why I was able to fully take in her change in appearance and presence.

Even though her presence was previously already welcoming, feeling at home. It was now just a comfy air around her, making me feel the need to relax; which I did.

Hah! – I laid back on the ground with a loud huff. Spreading out my arms and legs, taking up as much space as possible.

"Well... I guess it does. But why can't I cut this all off? Do you know how annoying it is being noticed by my hair as well as not being able to dye it?"

I also held a lock of my hair in my hand and stared at it. I had previously had all my hair tied into a ponytail, but the wolf had cut it out of my hair as I was dodging it. A shame too, it was a gift from grandma.

Despite not being capable of completely cutting my hair off, after the baptism I cut to slightly past my shoulders – yet It was only slightly past my shoulders now. It was surprising that it barely grew despite the many cycles that have passed since then.

"Well, at least you can cut it. Why would you want to get rid of such beautiful hair? I'd say that it accentuates your looks tenfold."

Tavella shrugged her shoulders at my question. It seemed she saw no reason for my wanting to cut the hair or dye it.

"... Hah. Whatever."

Sighing once more I just gave up even trying to continue asking her about this topic – it wasn't even important to me anymore. In all actuality, I've grown quite used to this hair of mine, it was indeed as beautiful as she said and reminded me of the skies at times.

The only reason I asked her about cutting and dying my hair in the first place was that I was curious. Like, how was she able to prevent me from completely shaving my head? How did she prevent me from burning it? It was quite the miraculous subject, but what could I guess from this world? Certainly nothing normal.

"Hey, Tyvetta."

Thinking back to the previous topic a new question was pulled into my head.


There were many questions actually, but I wanted to ask this first. So many things in my life are related to her and the other lords – so if I wanted answers, what time could be better than this?

"I'm curious and want to know why everyone wants me dead. I remember hearing that it was because there were issues between you and Soletti?"

I couldn't remember if it was grandma or mom who told me about this... oh right it was grandma, definitely grandma. I remember her telling me and Karma that before we left to get our baptisms, I think.

Anyway, after the baptism, I was told that the main force coming after my life was a cult, one synonymous with The Night of The Northern Star. Psssh – even the name of their cult was penned after that, religious people were always strange to me, but religious cultist zealots were definitely a step even worse.

"Oh... I mean we're family – there are always issues between us, but we don't hate each other. The reason for that tale being popular and vastly spread was because one of her darn fanatics used it to assist their political needs. Now all my children end up being killed and tortured, some people even collected their hair or eye due to them being nearly impossible to destroy by others!!

I couldn't believe that they would go so for their desires and beliefs, not to mention the fact that I can't interfere at all! I have continuously told that brat to grab the reins on her followers, even if a child of mine is only born every few centuries it doesn't change the fact they are always eliminated!"

As she continued speaking, Tyvetta grew more and more emotional, her face contorted and her forehead creased – her anger was visible in both her tone and on her face, there was even a pained expression hidden behind that anger. Which I completely understood.

You didn't need to have children to understand her pain and anger, you just needed to have people you care for. Watching your loved ones was already a painful experience, but watching them die? It was an experience that couldn't be looked back on fondly; not to mention having to watch it happen, helplessly – I couldn't imagine it.

"Oh... I see."

I had nothing more to say. I was simply tongue-tied, what was I supposed to say? Aw shucks, that sucks? No! Sometimes silence is the best choice and the clearest answer, even if it wasn't the most common choice – it was usually the best.

So I merely gazed into her eyes with a look of worry, waiting for however long it would take for her to calm down.

"Haah... Don't worry about me. Just ask whatever other questions you have, I'll answer as many as you have, as long as I know the answers to them."

Rubbing the bridge of her nose, Tyvetta let out a heavy-hearted sigh. It was clear that the entire situation bothered her, but she shrugged it off for the moment."

"Alright... Um, why are you called the Lord of Nightfall, the bringer of the Nightveil, and the mother of the Spectral Beast?"

Her titles were quite... grandiose. Two titles related to night, one with a strange term, and her last title which had an obvious explanation for it.

"I'll make this simple for you, my dear."

Tyvetta smiled at my simple questions as she decided to sit crisscrossed in front of my head, looking down into my eyes.

"I am the Lord of Nighfall. I govern night and all who move about under our blue moon. After the suns recede behind the resting sky and the veil covers all in a blanket of darkness, I am put in control as the skies and shadows fall under my command."

Tyvetta spoke in a tone of grandiose and great exaggeration as she spoke out a small speech presenting her title, bringing some lighthearted giggles out of me

"I, the bringer of the Nightveil, cover the world in a veil of darkness. The remains of the predecessor come forth, the veil in hand, covering the lands in my darkness. My darkness, where my children, the Beast of Spectral, thrive."

She spoke her second grandiose sentence about her second title with a wide smile on her face as she looked at my smile.

What she said about her second title somewhat described what I often saw in the skies when nightfall was soon to arrive. The was a large silhouette in the sky and held in its hands was pure darkness – perhaps that was the predecessor and the nightveil? Most likely, yes.

"And last, but not least, Mother of Spectral Beast. Well, I, the mother of Spectral Beast! – is pretty self-explanatory, isn't it?"

Haha – Chuckling at her words, I nodded to Tyvetta. I pretty much knew exactly what that last title meant.

"Thank you for explaining what they meant for me, Tyvetta."

I sat up as I had gotten enough rest and decided to cross my legs as we were now sitting facing each other.

"No problem, Dear. Now, tell me any other questions in that head of yours."