Going out

"Whatever you say but one thing is for sure I need to help out Mia." I said to which he nodded and he asked, "Do you need any weapons?"

"Weapons?" I asked him a little dumbstruck, "yes weapons that could help you even though I can tell you are strong even without it."

I thought about it for a second and then I knew what weapon would suit me and can help me easily, "do you have an expandable baton?"

"Of course, just follow me to see which one would fit you," he said as we walked to the garage where he flipped a switch and a wall of weapons showed up. From stun guns to brass knuckles he had everything so I looked around and found the baton that would suit me, "thanks for this."

"You don't have to thank me besides I don't use that one so you can have it and to be honest I really don't use these weapons only my employees do so if you need anything just come and take it." He said to which I nodded and then went to my room but on the way I saw Miss Weber arguing with Freya, "why can't I go!?"

"Because the crowd you go with can cause you trouble so you can't go," she told her but Freya only got more angry and seemed like she was going to hurt someone, "can I ask what's happening?"

"No you can't," Freya retorted, "she wants to go out with her friends but they might cause trouble and I'm worried."

"They aren't bad!" She shouted but I just said, "how about I go with her to keep her out of trouble besides not like I have anything to do."

If I go see what type of people are in school I can get a better understanding of what I have to deal with, "are you sure?"

"Yes and besides I can handle these types of crowds," I explained, to which she said, "alright you can go with her and if something happens call Mr Neil so come get you out."

"Who said I'm bringing him?!" She shouted once again and this time I intervened, "either you stay or you go with me, choose?"

She then kept quiet and said, "You can come but if you cause me trouble I'll hate you."

'You already do you idiot' I thought and then I went to my room to get a jacket and I looked around and saw there were a lot of them, 'Miss Weber really out did herself for this."

I picked a straight black zip up jacket and then headed down stairs to go out but along the way Mr Neil gave me a mask, "this can help with all the ladies, right?"

"You're a lifesaver." I said and wore the face mask which covered my nose and mouth and then I met Freya which was wearing clothes that were a bit too much for her, 'is she going to a club or something.'

"Oh, you're here... well let's go" she said as she walked over to a car and I followed behind her and then she opened the door and I went to the other side, "hey Frey so you coming huh?"

"Yeah but I need my brother to overlook what I do today," she replied to the guy that asked her but he ignored me while his friends looked at me with suspicion, "oh unlucky but we are going to have fun tonight that's for sure. "

"We better because my father was pissed and I need to relax."

'It was your fault you caused this,' I thought and was going to say it but I kept quiet and just leaned back and looked outside the window.

"Hey what's your name?" asked the driver to which I replied, "Orion nice to meet you."

"Well Orion, just a warning to not mess this up for us, okay?" He threatened me to which I hummed at him understanding but I really did not care at all.

We arrived at the place and it was an apartment complex, this got fishy quickly but I played along and walked with them. We then arrived at the place and the second guy knocked on the door and then the door was opened by a girl, "hey guys bout time you got here."

"Wait who's that?" she said pointing to me to which Freya replied, "my brother he has to look over me or I'm not allowed to go out."

"Ah bummer but it can be more fun with more people. Well I'm Angela nice to meet you," I looked at her and she had blonde hair with green eyes. She was a little taller than Freya but still shorter than Amelia, "right back at ya."

We then went inside but I regret coming here, the place stank of weed and alcohol. 'I'm wondering if these guys are students or in a gang.' I thought because the way they acted made them seem like they lived in crime and have committed crime.

"hey Frey you're finally here!" shouted a guy that had a slim build while his features were brown hair and eyes but he had a blush on his face for some reason and then it seemed like that he had feelings for her but I ignored it, not like I could do anything about it.

"Yeah but where is Lucas?" she asked to which I raised my brow, "his coming with Tina so wait for him."

"Alright also don't cause trouble for my brother," she warned everyone in the room and the guy asked, "you had a brother?"

"Long story," she said and sat down next to Angela while I sat at the chair next to no one, "hey the names Chuck."

"Orion," I replied but I asked him ,"Who's Lucas?"

"Oh that's Frey's boyfriend," he answered, to which I nodded but then she screamed, "Why would you say that you idiot, if my dad finds out I'm dead."

"Oh" he replied while looking at me but before he could say anything Freya said, "you tell him anything and I will kill you."

"Are you sure about that?" I asked her, "You know that you are only barking and not biting so if you really were going to do something you would have done it by now so keep quiet."

"You really know how to press my buttons, don't you?" She said with a scowl but to a higher degree, "listen I won't do anything if you behave, so be a good girl and don't do anything idiotic."

She then sat back down but was shaking in anger, "that was a bit much mate."

"No it wasn't," I retorted but before I could say anything else someone opened the door and then two people came. One was a guy and he had blonde hair with blue eyes with a sporty build and the second was a girl with curly black hair that went to her shoulder with purple eyes to which she has a curvy figure, "Lucas, Tina you made."

He shouted at Chuck and Lucas smiled at him the same as did Tina, "who's the new guy?"

"I'm Orion, Freya's brother," I answered Tina to which she smiled at me and I nodded but Lucas ignored me and went over to Freya and hugged her, "baby what's wrong?"

"My dad might find out about you" she replied but was still shaking, "but how we have been out of his sight."

"Because Chuck told Orion about your relationship," answered Angela and then he looked at Chuck like he was going to kill him, "you idiot!"

"I know but he isn't going to tell him if Freya behaves, that's what he said, '' he said trying to defend himself but I only looked at them with a blank stare not caring but even though I said I wouldn't tell him, I lied.

I would tell mr Weber but tell him to leave it to me and give him reports about it but I could tell that mr Neil already knew about this, "please do keep it a secret I do love Freya and I don't want her father making us break up."

I just nodded and leaned back on the chair, to be honest I had no care in the world what he wanted but if he caused trouble to my adoptive parent's he would not survive what I will do to him so he better play it safe with me.

After that everyone just smoked or drank while talking to each other while I relaxed but then Angela asked me, "why aren't you drinking?"

"We are still minors if you have forgotten and besides I only drink rarely," I replied to which she pouted, "why so serious we are all nice here and beside you can relax here. But I need to ask, what is with the mask?"

"I just wanted to cover up my face that's all," I answered that question but I hoped she wouldn't ask for me to take it off because I didn't want to have the energy to hassle with anyone, "can I see your face?"

"Maybe tomorrow," I said to which she pouted, "come on beside you look mysterious with the mask I want to see your face."

She was acting like a child and I couldn't take it but I'd rather keep it on so I just ignored her, "hey don't ignore me beside I know you look good so show me your face now!"

"I said tomorrow and how can you tell I look good?" I asked her because she seemed like she had already met me before, "I always know where a hottie is so there is no use denying it."

She has a winner's smile while saying that but I just ignored her again and she got more annoying this time, 'is she a five year old or something she doesn't know when to stop.'

"Alright be that way but I will see what you look like tomorrow," she said as she went over to the guys to talk to while I just sighed and relaxed a bit, she was nice but a little too annoying that was for sure and even then I would see her as a friend more like an acquaintance if I was serious but not a friend. I then saw that Tina was coming over and she sat down next to me, "can I ask you for a favour?"

"What is it?" I asked her, "I need you to be my boyfriend."

"No thanks" I answered quickly, "but why, is it because I'm not your type?"

"Not that more like I'd rather not have a lover at this time," I explained it to her to which she raised a brow, "alright but in the future you will be mine."

"Right, good luck making that happen," answered Chuck, "listen To your beautiful and everything but people think of you as someone higher so they can't be with you and even though you had boyfriends before I can still remember why they dated you and how you regret it."

"One more word and your tongue will be sliced off," she said in an annoyed tone as she walked back to where she was but I could see she was pissed. 'This is going to be an interesting night."

The place the got a little more crazy with music and I saw people drinking an awful amount while smoking and Angela was the worst of them all, she was falling every couple of seconds and then she fell on me but rather than getting up she just hugged me and caressed my hair while saying, 'I love you Orion.'

I couldn't be bothered to force her off me so I let her do what she wanted and then Chuck came up and pulled her off me even though it was a struggle but it worked in the end. I also saw Freya and Lucas were having a good time and even drinking together but they seemed to be perfectly fine, both drunk or high, it had to be because I was here and they played it safe.

"let's play the kings game!" shouted Angela while holding sticks up in the air like a maniac but I ignored her while the others tried to come her down and make her relax but then I heard someone scream. I left and went outside to see if everything was okay but when I stepped outside I saw someone get beaten by a guy dressed in a black suit and resembled a loan shark.

"You better go back inside boy or you might be next."