First day of School

I wore my school uniform which was the regular white button up shirt, black trouser and black shoes and it had a nice black blazer with a blue tie. The uniform suited me well and it made me look a bit older which was normal for me even though I was fourteen and nearly turning fifteen but I was going to wear my mask today because it did help me not get looked at that much so it was a plus.

"Is everyone ready?" Asked Mr Weber which everyone said yes and we got in the car and Mr Neil drove us to school with me in the front and the two girls in the back, Freya looking terrible from the hangover she had and Amelia was studying and I was just looking outside admiring the view.

"Are you ready for your first day of school, young master?" Asked Mr Neil which I nodded and he then asked, "did you bring everything you need?"

"Yep everything," I replied which was also the baton he gave me and even the gloves I used but they were in the blazer pockets hidden well so no one could notice them, "alright but if anything happens call me or sir."

"Hmm" I replied and then it seemed we arrived at school so we all got out and were heading in but before I knew it I was alone, Amelia and Freya left me to go to their friends to which I now had to find my way inside, 'this is going great.'

I made my way through the school but one problem was I didn't know which my class was so I went over and asked someone, "excuse me can you tell me where class 1-1 is?"

I asked a group of girls which one helped me and said, "it's down that hall, take a right and that's where it is?"

"Thank you," I thanked them to which I then went to the class but along the way I met a teacher, "you must be Mr Dyers?"

"Yes, I'm sir," I replied in a stern and respectable voice, "well follow me, it's time for class."

I then followed behind him as we entered the class, which was quiet and I saw someone which I hoped to see today at the far back of the class. it seemed like she was hiding from everyone. "Nice to meet you everyone, I'm Orion Dyers. I hope we can get along well."

"What's up with the mask?" one person asked to which I replied, "I'm kinda shy about my face so that's why I wear a mask."

That was the biggest lie I could make up, if they bought it they could help but there was a low chance they could, "oh alright makes sense."

'They believed it!' I thought but I took it because it can help me, "sir, where is my seat?"

"Next to Miss Maia Red at the back." he said to which I nodded and headed at the seat but I heard some whispers.

"Poor Maia, probably going to get bullied by the new guy."

"Wish her luck."

"The new guy is kinda cute."

I ignored the last comment but I went over and sat down next to her to which I looked at her and she just nodded and I nodded back but I could tell she was trying to calm down and not show her shaking, "I hope we can get along?"

I said to which I gave her a handshake and she shook my hand saying, "same here."

It looked like she was forcing herself to do this but she also seemed desperate to have a friend but I just gave her a good nod trying to show I was not going to hurt her.

"Alright take out your books time to do some maths and I hope she revised because a test is happening a bit" he said which the class grunted, "mclean why do we need to do a test?"

"So you're ready for the real things so stop complaining and get out your pens," he said as everyone did but I forgot to bring mine, "excuse mind if I borrow a pen?"

"ah, yeah sure," she got a little surprised and handed me a pen which was pink but I didn't mind, "wait let me give you a different one."

"No it's fine beside it's just a pen." I said and I got given a test paper and then the test began. I looked through each question and answered them as perfectly as I could but they were definitely easier form what I expected but I just did all of them. I looked around me to see nearly everyone struggling to do the test but when I looked at Maia she only just answered questions and seemed calm. 'Guess I was right about her being a study type.'

"Sir, can I go to the toilet?" I asked him, to which he looked at me with suspicion, "what about your test?"

"I finished now so I want to go to the toilet," I told him and even handed him my paper, "alright go, I'll look over your answer, so hurry up."

I then headed to the toilet to wash my hands but along the way I saw Freya with her friends from yesterday and I was a bit suspicious of her so I went over to see what she was doing, "hey you know Orion seems really annoying."

"True, yesterday he ruined all of the fun and took you home like who does he think he is?" Angela shouted to which I listened but they didn't see me, "I swear just cause he beat up a gangster he thinks he's strong like what the hell."

"If you want to take out your frustration, do it on the bigger one," said Chuck, which I was about to intervene but I listened to what they were going to say, "your right and not like he can beat us all up if we gang up on him."

"You wanna bet?" I came from my hiding spot to which they were surprised, "where did you come from?!"

"Well, are you going to fight or are you all barking?" I asked them but Lucas came up and was going to throw a punch but I dodge it which surprised me but he threw his right which I blocked and grabbed it, "do you want me to break your wrist?

He didn't answer only looked down but the the guys behind were jumping in and I saw a smile on his face so I let go of his wrist and I was going to block the punch coming with his face which worked and everyone was surprised especially Freya and even got up to check on Lucas but before she could I dealt with the free idiot but one hit to the solar plexus and it caused them to collapse, "listen here, cause any trouble for Maia and this will happen in front of everyone."

I then headed to the bathroom and cleaned my hands and then went to my class where I sat down and I got up a piece of paper and did some drawings, "Mr Dyer's you got 100% on the test congrats."

"Ah, oh thanks sir," I said. Everyone looked at me in shock but Maia just continued looking at her paper and trying her best,"I also need to ask you to go to 1-2 to get something."

"Sure sir I'll go get it real quick," I said as I headed to the class to go get it but when I got in the class the teacher seemed pissed, "what might I do for you?"

"Mr león sent me to get something here, that you should know," I said to which she went and got a box and gave it to me, "now go back to your class you made a mistake."

"Alright, bye bitch," I said and left the class to which it was silent but I went back to my class but I heard a scream from that class but I ignored it and ran back to mine, "this is what you asked for right/"

"Yes thank you for this," he said and I went back to my seat and I saw Maia was struggling on the last question I wrote the answer to it and slipped it to her and she saw it and was shocked but she wrote it down and I drew over the answer to destroy the evidence and by then the test was over, "alright class the test is over now beside I'll give you your test marks tomorrow so be ready."

"Yes sir," everyone said and the bell went then and everyone left the class and I followed, "excuse me Maia can I ask for a favour."

"Ah, oh sure what is it?" She asked but I could tell she was scared she was scared I was going to do something but I asked, "can you help me buy some school supplies because I don't know what I will need or not."

"Yeah I can do that," she said to which I said, "thanks you are a lifesaver."

"By the way, why are you so scared?" I asked her directly and waited for her to answer but she froze, "Maia is everything okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry this is normal for me and it's fine if you eat to hit me." she said to which I replied, "Maia why would I hit you, you haven't done anything wrong."

"It's normal for me from where I came from," she answered. She was this broken and she seemed to have no one to lean on, "Maia if someone causes you trouble tell me okay."

"Why?" she asked, "so I can help you."

"Why," she asked, "why, why, why, why, why?"

She was having a breakdown so I grabbed her shoulder and tried to explain, "Maia everything is fine don't worry beside I'm not going to hurt you."

"But why?" she asked while tears were coming from her eyes, "everyone left me and bullies me so why help me, it's just causing more trouble for you."

She has no one because of Freya, I swear Freya when I catch you doing something to her, you will wish you wouldn't have done it, "Maia I'm different, if I do that I will shave all of my hair, okay?"

I reassured her to which she nodded and then we went to the cafeteria to get a snack but along the way some guys said, "hey look Maia, come here you we need an ashtray."

She froze when they said that but I made her keep moving while I gave those guys a glare to leave her alone and they gave it back, "what are you getting?"

"Oh, I don't have any money to buy things here." she said, "I'll buy something for you."

"You don.." I cut her off, "what do you want me to get you?"

"A croissant please," she said looking down to which I bought two for me and her and then when I looked back I saw those guys harassing her again, "hey, move."

"You think you're a big man huh?" he said to which I said, "I'm dealing with kids or students."

"Who are you calling kids!?" One of them shouted too while I looked at him, "all of you."

I gave her the croissant but then one of them was going to punch me from the back but I tilted my head to dodge it and grabbed his arm to which his elbow joint was on my shoulder and I pulled it down causing it to break, "Ahhhhhh."

He screamed throughout the school in pain and the other two were shocked by this but I just looked at them and said, "Scram!"

They then left the area while carrying the guy and tried to act tough but it wasn't possible. "Let's go back."

She nodded and we were heading to class but I saw Freya's group coming my way and Maia froze in fear so I went in front of her, "need something brat?"

"Stop calling me that and move, I need to teach that bitch a lesson," she said to which I looked at her and said, "make me move brat."

"Alright you asked for it," she said to which I tilted my head in confusion and then she went for a punch but she had a taser under the sleeve, 'smart girl but try again.'

I grabbed her wrist and pulled it up, lifting her along the way, "I think you need to be taught what discipline is?"