I made a list for All The Mods! present in my story, and only the ones relevant, as most others are quality of life mods
All skills are like this: [𝙎𝙠𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙨]
I have like thirty pages.
Here we go!
-Faster Warp
-Faster Ship Travel
-Increased Glow
-Faster Morphballs
-Procedural Katanas
-Memory Leakless Printer
-The Minigun Mod
-Modular Weapons Pack
-Upgraded Upgrades
-Mech Development Division
-Halfish Off Mech Parts
-Fast Mech Drill
-1 Ore = 1 Bar
-Racial Drones
-Another Floran Mod Pack (Hair And Beak Collection)
-Another Floran Hair Pack (Floran 'Hairstyles')
-1,000,000 Max Stack
-Weapon Reinforcer
-Even Larger Bags
-Iron Asteroids
-Cheaper Station Expansions
-Easier Hammer and Axes
-Base In A Box
-Instant Crafting
-Extended Songbook
-Reki's Anime Music Pack
-Fullbright Shader
-But Pixels Sound Like Studs
-for Supper's Combat Overhaul
-Live: Crew lava/poison Immunity
-Modify Matter Manipulator
-Spawnable Item Pack
-The Lazy Modder's Bags
-I Want To FLY That Van
-Space Cowboys
-More NPC Ships
-Fixed Coffee Machine
-Hallowed Planets
-More Planets
-Reuse Augments (The game is real now, so if it just disappeared after use that would be dumb)
-Intelligence Lattice (Customisable AI!)
-I Want To MECHANIZE That Van
-Pimp My Ride
-Faster Swords
-Weighted Grappling Hook
-I Want To Drive That Van
-Pets Are Useful!
-Shareable Beds
-Chad: Plant Extrodinare
Combat Overhaul: Melee Aiming
-Melee Aiming
-Supper's Combat Overhaul
-Super Plants
- All of the Micro-Dungeon packs
-More Idle poses
-Lamia Race
-Kitsune Race
-Arachne Race
-Moons - Moon Dungeons
-Shoggoth Race (let's just say the Warp didn't go unnoticed.)
-ALIAS Ship AI Replacer
-Decorative Vehicles (But they work now!)
-Better Ship Animations
-Better (C) Item Icons - Blocks
-Improved Techs
-Extra Zoom Level
-Anime and Video Game Songs
-Compact Crafting
-Patch for Dach, Air Dash and Sprint Techs
-Player Dances + Emotes
-ZZ Mech Modifications
-XS Mechs - Vehicle Edition
-Job Offers
-Datebound - Job Offers Patch
-Combat Lamp Post
-Lamia Race Expansion
Those are all the ones I have that are relevant to this story.
(The Lamias, Arachne, and Kitsune are grouped in with the monster girls, sitting in a separate dimension (Not Reality) super close to Isseoroth.)
And we all know Astrosaber DX's special move.
It creates a tear in reality, so that means anything could come out.
I didn't want to have to write or describe Eldritch Monstrosities, so the best you'll get is MGQ and MGE Monster girls with a hint of Monster Musume.
See ya later,
Dumby, Out!