Chapter 5! I think I'm in Love!

"No! No! No! That's not what I mean. Don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly straight! I just want to know if you have a boyfriend. Yes! Yes! Do you have a boyfriend? " She looked at Paige with a look that read, 'please say no.'

Milady continued her ramblings and at the same time, the image of her brother came to mind, putting a very beautiful smile on her face. She looked so radiant it was glaringly obvious how much she loved and cared for her brother.

Paige couldn't help blurting out her question to match Milady's pace "is he single?" Milady responded subconsciously with an "of course he is. Single and very free" She couldn't help the joy spreading in her heart at the question.

Nodding her head in approval, she asked again, "are you single?" Milady couldn't connect the relationship between the topic of discussion and the current question but decided to answer anyway "as single as it gets"

"Okay! how about getting the dating app then? There is a trending one in the system" What Paige didn't add is that the application was developed by 'SkyNet Systems', a company she built from scratch.

Milady blinked in confusion as she stared transfixed at the ice queen who had no emotions on her face. Even her expressionless face looked so beautiful. Milady became Paige Norton's die-hard fan from that moment on.

Recovering from her reverie, Milady held Paige's fair hands saying patronisingly "ice beauty, please don't use such applications, they are not good for you. Besides, why go through the trouble when my brother is such a good person? He will treat you well. I can guarantee it"

Milady was calmer after speaking of her brother when it finally dawned on her that she may never see her brother getting married in this lifetime.

"Sorry I got carried away. Is there any hope of recovering my files?"

Looking at the woman who could change emotions at will, Paige gave her a hat off in her heart.

Paige who returned her attention to the computer long ago softly said, please give me a few minutes.

Admiring the sight before her, Milady who kept an undisguised burning gaze on Paige just smiled with a wave of her hand in the air "oh! never mind my presence, take all the time you need"

After a few press of keys, Paige smiled subtly and it was almost imperceptible to anyone except Milady who was watching her closely. She also smiled widely, while saying cheerily "ice queen, how about being friends?"

Even though Paige never lacked stares from both males and females alike, she couldn't get how a lady of Milady's calibre could stare at her so much without a care for anything in the world. With much helplessness, Paige continued her work under the hawk-like stares of Milady.

Maybe someone needs to remind Milady of why she is at the Police Station in the first place. Anyway, she might never get her files back. Why kill herself over what's already done?

After about three minutes, Paige broke the silence by asking "does the name Petra Greene ring a bell?"

Milady stared at Paige with shock visibly etched on her face while furrowing her brows. Her voice was laced with total disdain when she asked in a very carefree manner.

"You also know that loose woman?"

Paige raised her head from the computer in curiosity at the sudden change in the demeanour of the complainant before her. She couldn't help her amusement at seeing the woman who seemed disgusted at the mention of Petra Greene, "you don't seem to like her very much huh?" this sounded more of a statement than a question because Paige was very sure Milady didn't like the lady in question.

"She spiked my drink and tried to have me ruined on camera. She got paid to make a joke out of me on my matriculation day. hmmm! I don't care who paid her or why she targeted me, but one thing I know is that she is bad news."

Paige stared at her in silence and felt angry on her behalf. She realised that Petra Greene might have done more than Milady was letting on.

Being watched by the ice queen for so long, Milady hurriedly iterates, "I can't tell you who to make friends with, but Petra is not one to call a friend, believe me, she is not worth your time"

Before she gets overcome with emotions, Paige showed a computer desktop to Milady and explained how her documents found their way to the computer of Petra Greene.

"How would you like to retrieve your documents?" Paige asked after finding the documents for Milady while overcoming the impulse of frying the computer after sweeping everything from it. However, Paige still copied some suspicious files from the said computer.

The files on Petra's computer desktop were not the only suspicious items Paige found but intending to go deeper into the issue, she took it upon herself to make her findings known to the Law School immediately. She was of the hope that the smiling young lady in front of her may not be too late after all.

Paige Norton who always chose to mind her own business has done something beyond the scope of her work due to an impulse to help Milady. She felt extremely comfortable in the presence of the figure before her. Paige smiled and made up her mind to interact more with the person before her.


At the Price mansion, Kimberley Price returned to the Study room of her father all smiles, not giving the slightest hint of witnessing their earlier quarrel. With a cheerful voice, she called out Mom! Dad! I'm back.

Jonathan and Trudy Price were ecstatic to hear of their daughter's return and rushed out together to take a glimpse of her. Pulling her mom aside, Kimberley pretended to be lovestruck while asking, "Mom! how did you know you were in love with dad?" Trudy looked at her daughter with thousands of questions popping up in her mind.

Realising she wouldn't get any response from her mother, Kimberley whispered into her ear giddily, "mom, I think I'm in love."

More Chapters Ahead...

Thanks for reading. Please let me know what you think of the story so far.