Chapter 13! Bonus Chapter! Quality Control Unit!

The Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA) recently formed a new Unit called the Quality Control Unit. The Unit happened to be set up by Xandy Harris who is recognised as the face of the Unit. 

Being a woman in her early twenties, she came with a lot of youthful exuberance and tended to do things differently as opposed to how the slightly older members operated. With her unique dynamism, Xandy gave enough room for operation but leaves none for error. 

When Kimberley received notification from the head of security at Price Pharmaceuticals indicating an interference in the surveillance system, she knew more trouble was brewing. Throughout the night, until the later hours of dawn, they worked ceaselessly to activate their secret Surveillance System which was just installed recently. 

The System happened to be the newest product of a game company which Jeremy Pope gifted Kimberley and promised she will have need for it. 

Even though she was quite skeptical about the whole thing, Kimberley still accepted and had the installation done secretly. She never knew it could come in handy at a time such as this. 

After Kimberley only managed two hours of sleep, she receives another call communicating the presence of the Quality Control Unit of the Medicine and Healthcare Regulatory Agency at Price Pharmaceuticals. It was only 5:30 am and she couldn't help wondering if they don't sleep at all while muttering "as expected" to herself 

Arriving at Price Pharmaceuticals two hours after the notice, Kimberley noticed Xandy Harris alighting from her vehicle with more members of the Unit. Such was the reason for the sight that greeted the many employees who saw Kimberley getting off the elevator from the underground car park with a group of serious looking individuals.

When the Quality Control Unit operates, most employees are allowed to go about their duties as usual and only the places of interest get to be monitored by the Unit through surveillance as well as direct  inspections by the relevant personnel.

Taking the group round the production space of Price Pharmaceuticals, Kimberley who was clad in a white overcoat with a few trusted employees took the Quality Control Unit on a tour of the entirety of the production space of Price Pharmaceuticals. This whole development was witnessed and recorded by some technical team members of the Unit who were stationed at the Security room. 

The Unit received an anonymous tip off with a video evidence indicating that Price Pharmaceuticals was currently producing their drugs under certain unfavorable conditions that did not meet the Standards of the MHRA. The Unit after receiving approval for an impromptu search made their way to Price Pharmaceuticals. 

Witnessing Xandy Harris exercise so much professionalism throughout the search, Kimberley couldn't help but feel sorry for her. She could have been in hot soup if not for the timely intervention of Jeremy Pope, but she just couldn't help herself  from worrying about the diligent woman before her.  

Striding towards Xandy, Kimberley stretches a hand towards her and says "thank you for coming around Miss Harris, you've worked hard. But I hope I don't see you at Price Pharmaceuticals after today."  Reaching for her hand and hearing the provocation in her words, Xandy was about retracting her hands when she realised Kimberley placed a folded piece of paper in them. She took it swiftly and was curious what the Price princess was trying to drive at. 

Upon exiting the production space, Xandy asked Kimberley for direction to the washroom, to which she gladly obliged and led the way. Unfolding the piece of paper, she couldn't help but frown as she read the words boldly written "beware, for the venom called Ariel is highly toxic." 

Xandy hurried out of the washroom only to realise that Kimberley was already gone. With a deep sigh, she made her way towards the other members of the Unit while questioning various happenings in her mind.


Six months ago, she met Ariel at Tiffany Foreman's birthday party. One thing led to the other and they started dating after a month. 

Eventhough Xandy always felt that something was missing in their relationship, she couldn't really place her hand on what exactly was wrong.

However, with Kimberley's indirect prompt, she suddenly realised everything seems too forced between the two of them. Perhaps, Ariel really had an ulterior motive for approaching her. 

Thinking to this point, she suddenly realised why the voice during the tipoff phone call sounded exactly like that of Ariel "I guess it was really him huh!"

Xandy couldn't help herself as various questions kept popping up in her mind. The caller seemed a little familiar when she heard the recording. She was no fool and faintly understood what was going on immediately. Xandy couldn't help herself from feeling dejected because she was really hopeful about her relationship with Ariel whom she loved dearly. 

Thinking about all these clearly, the bigger question then is, "what is going on? Why did Ariel approach her and not any other person? What could be her worth to him? She could not help feeling bitter about the high possibility of being used by Ariel Sanders." Xandy retrieved her phone in order to report the current situation to her mentor when she saw an incoming call. She froze for a few seconds as she watched the phone ring for a while before the call dropped. When the phone rang again, she smiled in self deprecation as a chill run down her spine. 

Coming to a sudden resolve in her heart, she picked the call and remained silent as she listened to a panicked "hello" from the other end. Thinking he had disguised the panic in his voice well enough, Ariel chuckled and humoured "too shocked into silence huh" Xandy replied gratiatingly "if not the brightest star in my sky at the moment, what else can make me as speechless?" Ariel was on cloud nine as he heard the supposed indirect love confession in the statement and failed to grasp the underlying meaning behind her words. 

'The brightest star in my sky at the moment' implies that a change is possible at any time, not that Ariel caught on to it that way though. 

Xandy continued in a probing tone "how come you have the time to call me at this time? Thought you were..." Before she could speak of how tight his schedule had been recently, Ariel beat her to it by saying "I am just making my way out of the airport. Let's have breakfast okay. I miss you love."


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