Chapter 16! Untitled!

Somewhere in Amsterdam

When Declan Mackenzie saw what was happening online, he tuned in to his Television and followed a certain particular channel, only to give a cold smile and reach out for his phone.

Being in his eight bedroom apartment for the past days has filled him with so much hope and enthusiasm to the extent that he forgot momentarily that, with his  current situation, he virtually lived alone and the servant's didn't count. 

He always felt a sudden gush of joy and immense fulfillment anytime he gets home. Even the thought of home alone keeps him on his toes just so he could finish his work on hand and return on time. His home will soon be a complete home. He always thought.

Declan was still hoping that their dream of having an eight bedroom two storey mansion with a beautiful flower garden, a gym, a cinema for ten, a spacious library with various collection of books, a music room and finally, a lovely and comfy nursery for their kids could materialise someday. 

Declan took every single detail into consideration when he picked this particular house. From the decor to design, through to the location, even the tiniest of details was on pont.

It was her wish to have the Computer room adjoining the bedroom so that she could stay cooped up working in her favorite room and still have all her necessities in arms reach. She could spend both her days and nights peacefully in her bedroom without any interference.

Suddenly going into a trance as he reminisce about the past, Declan Mackenzie let out a forced smile while muttering "Oh Paige! Are your dreams still the same or they changed after you left! Do you still remember how we celebrated after closing our very first deal together? Do you still think of me? Just a little bit Paige! I really do miss you my love. Where in God's name are you hiding?"

Standing quietly from afar and watching him wallow in sorrow once again, she wished the day will come when he meets the one he truly loves and smile genuinely once more.

Declan turned around only to see Lucia, his trusted aide walking towards him. 

Recovering from the momentary distraction,  Lucia says "Boss! Pigeon just sent a message. We have an order which seems five times bigger than the previous job."

Declan gave a meaningful smile and shook his head while saying "hold on with all the major orders for now. We are having certain challenges at the moment. 

Also, inform Pigeon to contact me if there is any restless client requesting an audience. Don't forget to pay attention to the minor orders. They may also be from the same source"

Pausing for a few seconds "spread the word of our new product on the black market" Lucia raised her head from the tablet with which she was currently recording Declan's instructions.

She looked a little livid and unwilling to put down such an order. 

Realising her hesitation, Declan felt no anger towards his Assistant but rather gave her a  meaningful look with a suggestive smile. 

Lucia raised her eyebrows and hesitantly nodded her head to indicate her understanding of the boss' orders and proceeded to do her work. After exiting the sitting room, she maneuvered her way through a long hall adjacent the sitting room and arrived at a store room at the end of the corridor. 

This place is virtually out of bounds. To every other staff, the room belongs to Lucia and she only goes there to source for items from a variety of materials available for her job. 

However, to Lucia there is an adjourning room from the 'storeroom' to the master bedroom. This room serves as the secret monitoring room for the mansion. From this room, Declan undertakes all his confidential activities under the guise of sleeping in his bedroom. In the entirety of the mansion, only Lucia Sanders is privy to his dealings in the room. 

Spies from several defeated rival companies venture into GlobeCo with the intention of prying into anything that could be useful against the company or better still, they may be lucky enough to steal something explosive, but sadly for them, they all leave empty handed. 

Unbeknowst to all such spies, every confidential document remains in the Control room in the mansion.

Sitting behind the Computer, Lucia, with an anonymous account released a statement that took the Internet by storm once again. 

[How is Ariel Gibbons related to Ariel Sanders? If not the same person, who then is Ariel Sanders?]

The sudden release caught many unawares and the question then became [Who is Ariel Sanders? Who is Ariel Gibbons?] What was more intriguing is that, KBC the most Critical of all Television stations aired this during a live talk show. Everyone chose to believe that something was really wrong somewhere. This being as a result of KBC never broadcasting hearsay or gossips.

The post was pushed to trending by Lucia without any difficulty. Afterwards, she logged out and shut down the computer then moved to exit the control room.

Immediately she turned the knob and opened the door, her eyes met that of the servant Quinn who was trying her best to open the door from the outside because it seemed to have been locked from within.

Coming face to face with Lucia, Quinn accidentally dropped the mop bucket in her hands and the contents unceremoniously splashed on her face and clothes as Lucia deftly dodged to the side. The shock on her face was such a funny sight to behold. Quinn was visibly frightened out of her wits.

Lucia treated the annoying servant like she was air and walked past her, not letting on that she had already seen through her ploys and without the slightest bit of sympathy for the terrible state she was currently in. "Serves you right for prying" 


At Price Pharmaceuticals

Milady Gaya fixed her gaze on Kimberley Price after recording her narrative. She scrolled through her note and asked Kimberley for her most thought out and sincerest responses that she could come up with. Price Pharmaceuticals was facing a lawsuit after all. 

Milady:   "Who is Ariel Sanders?"

Kimberley: A childhood sweetheart of ten years. We broke up after he accused Price Pharmaceuticals of Patent theft."

Milady:   "What does he do?"

Kimberley: "He's a Chemist"

Milady:   "How long has he been exposed to your formulas and mode of operation?"

Kimberley: "Indirectly, Five years"

Milady:   "How many times did he sit in to watch you experiment with drugs?"

Kimberley: Never did! Actually, I never allowed him into my lab."

Milady gave a beautiful smile while nodding her head vigorously. She was impressed with this response because it had a lot of information embedded in that one response.

Milady: "Do I take it to mean Ariel Sanders has never set foot into your lab even once?"

Kimberley: "Yes"

Milady: "Ariel Sanders has never witnessed Miss Price working in the lab"

Kimberley: "Yes, Never"

Milady: "Ariel Sanders has no idea what-so-ever about the mystery person of Price Pharmaceuticals!"

Kimberley: "Yes! He has no clue"

Milady: "There is actually no stolen formula" 

Kimberley: "Exactly! Nothing belonging to me has been stolen because only I have access to my lab. I think they are betting on a certain stolen formula from elsewhere." 

Milady: "Do you have anyone who assists you in creating new drugs?" 

Kimberley: "There is actually a group I assign tasks to but they work separately from me. We meet in a designated laboratory and not my lab. I work alone!"

Milady cleared  her throat and turned towards Rockson who had kept a burning gaze on her all along.

Having the same train of thoughts as her, Rockson kept staring at Milady as she continued speaking what was on his mind. Milady realised there was nothing she could do about him so, even though she felt somewhat uncomfortable by his stares, she continued anyways and tried to ignore him.

Milady and Kimberley peacefully went back and forth until Milady started probing into the life of Kimberley and Ariel while they were together. 

The whole atmosphere became tense as Jeremy felt the questions were like pins pricking him at the moment.

Turning towards an entranced Rockson, he asks in a suppressed voice, do I pay you to flirt with your workers? 


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