Chapter 24! Jeremy Pope's Secret!

Declan Mackenzie got to his hotel room and stayed up working till late in the night when he finally located his target. He fell with his back on the mattress and a silly smile plastered on his face while muttering to himself "I did it! I finally found her! Finally found you, Paige. I won't lose you ever again!"

Declan thought long and hard about how to start the conversation with Paige but finally sent her question marks "???" through her secured network. 

At the other end, Paige saw the message and developed a sudden interest for whoever it was that sent the message, so she sent the same back "???".

Not any regular Joe could crack the code and even go as far as messaging her.

Declan couldn't help smiling in glee but Paige felt melancholy wash over her and thought that the person may be someone who knew her personally.

Therefore in a bid to source for more information, she asked, getting straight to the point " what do you want?"

Declan felt that he had to make good use of the opportunity presented to him and therefore decided to take a huge gamble "how about a date?" He had been so desperate that he momentarily forgot her temperament. If Paige Norton now is the same person he knew years ago, it's better to cut to the chase and rather go straight to the point. He may stand a chance of getting his date that way.

Paige looked at the screen of her computer and had the feeling that this wasn't the first time she was seeing this. Something deep down her subconscious was vaguely reminding her of such conversations but the clear picture was still eluding her.

However, without batting an eyelid she responded, "I do not need a mate" then proceeded to cut the connection.

She knew very well that it was just a matter of time before the person found his way around again.

She was rather anticipating it because she felt the person must be pretty talented to have been able to track her down. The very first person to succeed in breaking her defences and wasn't interested in anything but a date "what a joke."

Even though the mystery man caught her attention, Paige has always been a person of very few words and could therefore not start a conversation with him if he didn't take the initiative. Asking for a date, however, is out of the picture. Paige concluded that if he's serious, he will come clean later.


At the Pope building, Kimberley finally took Jeremy up on his offer after a tour of the whole workspace. There is no need to stand on ceremony around her husband as it would only make her seem pretentious.

It was as if the building was constructed with Price Pharmaceuticals in mind.  Everything they needed was there and it was just like the collapsed Price building.

 Kimberley could finally get a place to move her underground lab which has been a headache to her all this while. 

Jeremy Pope has finally tied the knot with the only person who moved the wolf within him but the real challenge begins at this point. 

How will he break the news about the Pope ancient family being a family of very strong shape-shifting werewolves?

Also, he is evidently the strongest Alpha to have ever lived since the beginning of the family lineage.

Making Kimberley Price accept him for who he really is, without being scared of who him, or angry for being kept in the dark, neither being repulsed by his kind, is the next step. 

Apparently, the union between the one true Luna, Kimberley Price and the Alpha, Jeremy Pope will be the beginning of new dimensions for both of them. 

On one hand, Jeremy Pope stands the chance of moving to a whole new level as far as his strength is concerned.

He could finally move from one place to the other, including moving between dimensions without any hindrance. There will be no walls, no metal and no people to block his path either. He could widen his scope of hearing from five hundred to a whole five thousand kilometers.

All Jeremy Pope has to do is listen and he hears everything from both far and near.

Kimberley Price on the other hand will then get ushered into a whole new world she could never have imagined. She could hear, see, or even feel from as far as a hundred kilometers.

Her healing abilities become immeasurable, she develops unprecedented strength beyond her imagination amidst many other transformations.

However, the game-changer for Kimberley will finally be the moment she takes seed and has a young wolf growing in her womb. At that time, she becomes only second to Jeremy Pope, the strongest alpha of all times.

The problem then is, how will Jeremy Pope come clean and have Kimberley Price willingly accept the link between them and accept being marked by him without worrying about being used at the same time?

Jeremy was holding Kimberley's hands as they exit the building, but his mind was roaming on so many what-ifs that he didn't know what to do. For the first time in his life, Jeremy Pope felt utterly helpless.

At that moment, there was a notification from his father and immediately Jeremy saw the name, he knew there was no helping it. It was a simple message from Billy Pope "bring her home, son."

Letting out a deep breath, Jeremy probed Kimberley, "how about getting the two families to have dinner together?"

He was anticipating her response because he only had seven days to complete this task of making the one true Luna accept him as her Alpha.

For Billy Pope to contact him means that the connection between the Luna and alpha has been established and there is a need for the alpha to act fast.

Rejection from the Luna, after the connection, only spells doom for the pack as the alpha may lose many of his abilities including shapeshifting at will, without being affected by the full moon. 

The current alpha has taken a huge risk in establishing a connection between himself and the Luna before getting her consent.

Any alpha who does not meet his one true Luna will need to step down as head of the pack.

Therefore, an alpha without his one true Luna will need to establish the connection only after her consent. That is him playing safe. However, the link created by them becomes extremely weak and nothing really exceptional about the Alpha catches the eye. 

It has been that way since the beginning of the Pope family.