
[Vol. 1]


He paused his steps. "Hm?" He gazed at the corner of his eyes.

Delia's expression loosened to a pitiful grimace. "I apologise..."

His head craned over his shoulder, "What for?"

Her eyes lowered, "For... For calling you an overbearing spoilt privileged brat that day at the studio".

Dilen immediately smiled from ear to ear, taking a moment to watch her remorseful demeanor.

He chuckled, "Just when I thought my pride and arrogance had started to rub off on you properly and here you are acting all mature and wise".

She snapped him a glare.

Dilen shook his head, "You disappoint me".

Delia's face wasted no time to scrunch in annoyance, "I am trying to be the bigger person here!"

"I like you more when you're petty".

She tsked, "I'll make you regret that request".

He only smirked, shaking his head as he turned to walk to the door before grabbing the knob. "By the way..." He started.


"I apologise for disrespecting you that day".

Her brows quirked to his words.

"Because I realized you're better than I had assumed", he added.

"Is that suppose to be a compliment!?" Delia frowned.

"Take it or leave it". Dilen pulled the door open and walked out without another word.

Delia drew out a long hiss as she spun around to face her table.

"Mumu boy..."

[Vol. 2]

"I'm never gonna leave you", she said out of the blues, looking into his eyes.

His brows quirked.

Delia lowered her gaze, "I'm never going to leave you, nor let anything or anyone hurt you as long as I live... You are mine no matter what, and so am I to you. I'm latched unto you... And nothing on this wasted planet dare change that".

His heart almost forgot to beat.

She wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his crook. "I'm always stuck with, by, for and on you... Like a condom".

He let out a laugh, "Condom? Why condom?"

She shrugged, resting her chin on his shoulder. "Just feels better to say. Besides, the only ways a condom can come off is if you pull it off or it bust".

"But you know I can never pull you out of my life", he gently rubbed her back.

"So therefore, I can only bust. In reality, it means only death can take me away from you".

He smiled widely, squeezing her tightly against him, "He dare not".