Chapter 023 Going To America -1

Song Recommendation: Savage Love by Jason Derulo


"Yes, Robert". Dilen continued to stare at the wall, seated on the couch in his room in complete darkness. He tapped his cigarette, causing the ashes to drop on the tray on the stool.

"There are rumors of the university closing down due to insecurities after what happened to Usman, master".

Dilen grinned, bringing the stick to his lips.

He inhaled then exhaled, "Is that so?"

"Yes, master", Robert bowed.

Dilen crushed the red dot on the ashtray, getting up on his feet. He straightened his spotless white shirt sleeves.

"Fix me a meeting with the V.C. of the university. We leave tomorrow at seven".

"Yes, master".

Dilen waved his hand, sending Robert off to the door. With a grin on his face, he walked up past his bed, reaching the open doors of the balcony, looking at the moonless sky.

He chuckled.

• • •

After dinner with her siblings, Delia walked into her room, having the lights still switched off. She had an odd obsession with a dark room — hardly ever switching on her lights

She stretched out her arms, mounting her properly organisation bed. She grabbed her phone, clicking open her Facetime to talk to her parents.

"Hey, mummy!"

"Lia, how are you today?" Her mum smiled on the other side.

"Fine mum, just a bit tired with school. Where's daddy?"

"He's on a Zoom meeting. Give him ten minutes".

"Oh okay, don't worry let him take his time", Delia smiled as her mother smiled back. Rachel parted her lips to speak when the call froze.

"Shit! My data has finished!" Delia slapped her forehead. "Let me load new one fast. By then dad should be done with his meeting".

She got up from her bed and walked to her table, picking up her charger. She felt a cold breeze rush over her back.

"Quith!" She called out.

"Delia..." He dragged her name.

Not turning around, Delia could sense he was busy crawling over the wall as she continued to search for a piece of paper on her table.

His smokey being continued to swirl over the concrete wall, grinning, "I see you've met her".

"Her name is now Aileed. And yes", Delia continued to tap on her phone undisturbed.

Quith moved to the ceiling- the temperature of the room began to drop. Delia exhaled.

"He is part of the clash, isn't he? Dilen Liam?" Delia questioned. Quith moved slightly forward on the ceiling—then plummeting to the floor.

His smoky vapour rose, materializing into his long slender blank form. His height grew almost touching the ceiling, looking down at Delia.

"He is", were Quith's words.

"Anything else?"

"That is all we are aware of... For now", he mumbled. By we, he meant him and the rest of the demons and entities that were latched unto Delia. Quith was just the strongest amongst them — evolved enough to speak directly to her.

Delia exhaled, finally craning her neck to Quith. She gave him a bored look, feeling unintimated by his height. She mouthed, "Leave".

Instantly, his body saturated into dust particles that disappeared into the air. The door pushed open, "Del!" Juliet called.


"Mummy and daddy are on call on Jacob's phone. Come, she wants to talk to all of us!"

"Oh okay", she nodded, placing her phone back on the table. Juliet stared at her sister with a smile, till she felt the strange cold in the room.

"Woah", Juliet hugged her arms, looking at Delia. "Your room is like freezer! Be offing your fan!" Juliet turned off the fan, before walking out to the living room.

About to step foot out of her room, Delia heard childlike feet running in her ceiling. She looked up for a split second then walked out, ignoring the sounds.

• • •

Delia, Eboh, and Beatrice walked into their afternoon class, laughing at each other's words. Their eyes then fell on their fellow course mates who were all seated.

They all had their eyes glued to their phones, calling and signaling others to look at their screen.

'Pitiful 21st century', Delia tsked, walking to her seat till someone next to her spoke.

"Del, have you seen the update?"

"Sarah, what update?", Eboh stepped forward, looking at the girl.

"So you're telling me you haven't heard the news?" Sarah asked in shock.

"Yes, we have, we just want to waste your time and make you say the news all over again!" Delia sarcastic voice responded.

Sarah rolled her eyes. Beatrice asked, "What happened? Another attack? Bad news? Is school closi—"

"Have they finally sold Nigeria?!" Delia asked nonchalantly.

They threw her a glance. She shrugged, "What? I'm just asking a question na?"

"Someone donated money to A.B.U.", Sarah finally drew back their attention.

"Someone? Who?" Eboh asked.

"WHY!?" Delia asked shocked, as if it were her account the donation was taken from.

"One rich white man like that. They said he donated 5.2 million Naira for A.B.U. security and investigation. Because of what happened to Dr. Usman".

"Oh Woah! That's awesome! Nice!" Beatrice clapped.

"Now they won't have reason to close school", Eboh nodded, feeling relieved. Delia's brows were knitted in fathom.

"White man?" Delia looked back at Sarah, "What is his name?"

"They said someone called Dilen Lime— I mean Liam", she nodded. Delia's brows dropped in disappointment.

"Aww! He's such a nice man! My God bless him", Beatrice smiled. Delia drew out a long hiss. They turned to her, surprised by her reaction to the news.

Delia added, "If you ask me, he should have shared that money to all the students in the university. We'll use part of the money for self-defence classes", she said with mirth.

Her friends hissed, "My friend shut up! Even in serious times like this, ya joking!"

"You're welcome!" She widened a fake smile. They shook their heads at her.

As they stood there in front of the first roll seat, the class rep rushed to the front of the large whiteboard.

"Class! Please settle down! We have officials coming".

Students gave themselves confused looks, before settling themselves in their seats, quietly. The class rep then stepped aside as a Hausa man walked in, in a posh native attire.

The students sat up straight.

"Good afternoon class".

"Good afternoon sir!" They recited.

"I am Dr. Ahmed Suleiman Khaleed", he then stepped aside.

Two buffed man dressed in black walked in, with dark shades blocking their faces and their fists clutched. They marched to the front.

Four men followed in. Delia's eyes widened.

Dilen walked up behind them, with Robert and two more uniformed bodyguards following in. They stood side by side of Dilen, having their hands behind their backs.

Dr. Suleiman spoke, "Class, I am sure you must have gotten the news by now. Well, I will like to introduce you to the man himself".

"This is the Mr. Dilen Liam", he rose his hands to Dilen.

Dilen stared directly at Delia through his crystal clear glasses. He smiled- a smile that wasn't of good intentions.