Chapter 029 Meeting The Liams -1

Song Recommendation: Soon Will Be Found by Sia

Robert walked in bowing his head at his master. Dilen stood up. "Let's go".

Quietly, Delia got up to follow Dilen to the exit with the door slowly pulling open. Her eyes were protected by her sunglasses while the hat cover more than enough of her face.

They stepped out. Her high boots thudded on the metal steps as they made their way down to the concrete runway.

Her exposed legs were caressed by the warm foreign air. They strode over the tar to approach the parked white limo.

A man dressed in a similar clothing as Robert's — who was left behind with their luggages — bowed at them.

"Good afternoon, Master Dilen".

"Let's go", was the only words Dilen uttered, having the driver immediately open the door. Dilen stepped to the side, being a gentleman to assist her in.

She silently complied.Dilen tailed after to take the seat opposite hers — the driver shut the door.

The vehicle drove off.

As the car continued to move in silence, Dilen's eyes moved back to the girl who turned mute. With the hat on, it was hard to tell where her eyes were casted at, alongside the expression on her face.

From his assumption, he could sense she was in deep thoughts. He could only wonder what she could possibly be thinking about while sitting in a formal posture.

Meanwhile, Delia had her eyes open and staring at the floor. She slowly exhaled as she felt the soothing memories of her family begin to replay in her head.


"Mummy , Daddy! Welcome!" Fourteen years old Delia wrapped her arms around her parents. "How was it!!?" She squealed at them.

Her father chuckled, "It wasn't easy", he patted her head, then walked to the couch. Jacob walked in with their parents' luggages. Delia helped him, pulling the bags to the room with him.

Reaching back to the living room; she and Jacob spotted Juliet in their mother's arm, smiling. They hastily walked to the couch opposite their parents.

Delia smiled widely, "So mummy, how was America!?"

"My dear, we thank God", she cooed at Juliet, who refused to let go.

Their parents had been away for work overseas, for more than five months straight. But it felt like a year.

"I hope you didn't suffer much racial discrimination?" Jacob asked.

"No, not too much. We were lucky to have stayed in a friendly environment", Rachel gazed at her smiling husband. She chuckled.

"Although", she started, "Your father felt everything a white person did was racist. If they ask him 'what time is it?', he'd say they are being racist and treating him like a timekeeping slave".

They laughed. Edward shook his head with a scowl, "My dear, I'm telling you, they were just pretending. They secretly hate us!"

"Every white person secretly hate you, Edward", Rachel rolled her eyes.

"You'll not understand these things!" He turned to his children, "Those people are devious people who just want to exploit the black".

"Ah-ah daddy", Delia chortled. "Why are you hating them like that na? You can't say all white people are racist".

"My dear, I'm telling you now, they are!"

Rachel drew out a long sigh, waving her husband off, "Abegi (Oh please), My dear you're the one who's racist".

"Yes! I'm a proud racist African".

Jacob chuckled, "Mum, you won't understand. Those people were born to exploit. You're just too forgiving" .

"Ah! Jacob? Is it you or me that went to the America? You've started talking like your father, right?" Rachel raised her brows.

"Because dad's right. They may smile with you, but secretly they won't want to see you succeed".

"Exactly, my boy!" Edward clapped.

Rachel rolled he eyes, "I am done with you two! Jacob?"

"Yes, mum?"

"Please come and help me rearrange a few things", she got up, motioning Juliet to follow her. "Okay, Mum", Jacob followed after their mother.

Delia turned her gaze to her father. "But, Daddy, why do you hate them all? There are white people who fight for black lives".

Edward laughed, "My dear, that's what they want you to believe. The protesters and the supporter, both of them are lying to themselves! Believe me when I tell you, they believe they are better than us, both economically and mentally. They are just sly creatures".

Delia remained quiet as he continued, "Let me tell you one thing. When you finally go there, you will see for yourself. Don't mind your mother, she's trying to protect them, making you think their country is good".

"But, dad—"

"Those people are dangerous. We just went there to use their resources to better ourselves, not because we trust or like them. We were just doing the same thing they do to us. Don't ever trust a white man, he is just using you and that's a fact".


She snapped her head to the door, hearing her mother's call. "I'm coming, Mum!"

She hastily got up and ran to the room.


Finally, Delia lifted her eyes from the floor to Dilen. He rested back on his seat, having his head faced up with his eyes sealed shut. Delia slowly scanned his face from her angle.

She stared at his jaw, noticing how clean and hairless it was. She smirked to another remarkable memory.


"White people don't like keeping breads like that", Jacob said, while tapping on his phone. With his little sister, Delia, seated next to him on the dining table, she furrowed her brows.

"I wonder why?" She continued to look at the pictures of male foreign models on her phone.

She had noticed how most of them didn't have large or full beards.

Jacob shrugged, "Not sure. It's always so little on their face. Maybe they think it's dirty".

Delia rolled her eyes, "Are you them? How can you tell?"

"I just know it", he tutted.

"No. It's just a thing of choice. Even I don't like guys with beards. It seems unnecessary to me".

"Na you sabi (That's your business)", he continued to tap on his phone.

Delia laughed, "It's things like this that makes your beards not to grow!" She pointed at his hairless chin.

Jacob narrowed his eyes. "If I slap you eh!?"

Delia laughed, "Wahala for those wey no get beard oo (Problem for those that don't have beards). Nigerian girls like beard gang!"

Jacob raised his hand as if wanting to slap her. She shierked away — landing on the floor.

She began to laugh.


Delia's lips curved into a smile at the wandering thoughts. It was then she realised how much she was already missing home.

She grimaced.