Chapter 031 Four Beings & Four Statuses

Song Recommendation: Game Of Survival by Ruelle

Stepping into the room, Delia's eyes widened. "Woah", escaped her lips. Dilen who stood next to her, said, "This will be your room for the next three months. Mine is the room opposite yours. I don't expect you to visit".

"Oh, but of course", she chuckled, taking a step into the room.

Slowly, she trailed her eyes around the walls of the room. It had a majestic yet modern design, giving off a neutral personality.

The bed was in the higher side of the room, having three steps lead up to it.

The wall at the right side of the bed was made of glass, giving her the view of the beautiful garden below. The rest of the wall was painted cream and white.

Her bed was king sized with dark grey sheets — With the bed head-frame almost reaching the ceiling and coated with cushion-like materials.