Chapter 057 Photos -2

Song Recommendation: Slow Dancing In A Burning Room by Faouzia

"Aww, you look beautiful, Darling!"

"Roman, that's the seventeenth 'beautiful' in three changeovers" Delia laughed, standing next to the changing room door.

The skimmy ocean blue jumpsuit outline every part of her body with her light sky blue veil and royal blue hat. She felt like an ocean queen. 

Dilen, on the other hand, was dressed in a royal blue suit and black tie; who had just walked into the studio, while Andrew and Paul sat quietly, observing.

Dilen scowled, "Roman, did you get the props I asked you to get?"

"Oh yeah. Shit! Sorry, I forgot them in my car".

"How could you possibly forget them? You went downstairs intentionally to pick them up!" Andrew scowled.

Roman smiles nervously, "Um... Something distracted me".

"Something distracted you for more than twenty minutes down there?" Paul cocked his head.

Roman sighed, "Sorry I—"