Chapter 053 What Happened To Dilen - 2

Song Recommendation: Ring Pop by Jax

"Good morning", Delia smiled, locking her bright brown eyes with his — she didn't have her usual veil hat on.

Dressed only in her baggy PJs and shorts, Delia had a firstaid box held in her palms.

"Why are you still up? And what are you doing here?" Dilen asked with furrowed brows.

Delia chuckled, pushing her way in without asking.

She walked up to his bed to place the first aid box on the sheet. "I came to help you treat your wounds".

Dilen's brows quirked, "What?"

He quickly held the side of his robe — subtly checking if it was stained with blood.

"Don't worry, it's not showing. I just know. Now, come. Sit". She sat at the foot of the bed and opened the kit. Dilen stood still, giving her a confused yet suspicious look.

Delia pouted, "Ugh! Guy, please don't stress me".