Chapter 064 Shame & Guilt - 1

Song Recommendation: Break From Love by Justin Bieber

Seven years old Delia's little feet padded the soft carpet of her bedroom to pull open the door.

Scratching her sleepy eyes still heavy from her hour's nap, she proceeded through the corridor leading to the living room.

About to reach the parlor, her pace slowly lessened as she scrunched her face to the sound of her big brother's voice countering the voice of a stranger girl. Delia frowned, tiptoeing forward to take a peek. 

"Jacob, you can't do this to me! You can't!" Shouted the young girl that looked around Jacob's age group; eighteen if she guessed right.

"You can't just do as you like and walk out on me like I'm nothing!"

"Shush! Shut up! Why are you shouting? Do you want to wake up my little sister!?" Jacob groaned as he remained seated at the dining table with his fingers clutched on the spoon over the plate of food he was eating.