Chapter 072 Detective Girlfriend - 2

Song Recommendation: Know No Better by Major Lazer

Delia sat at her desk with her face rested on her palm and her elbow on the surface as she skimmed through the wordings of the veterinary mmicrobiology textbook.

She sighed heavily. "White people are bad enough, but white scientists are just wicked! Why will sensible human beings give such a complex unpronounceable name to a bacteria!? Who is supposed to learn how to spell and pronounce it!" She squirted her eyes at the long word that defiled all laws of English language.

She hissed, resting back on her seat to palm her face in frustration. 


"Who is it?" She turned.


"It's open!" 

The door then pushed the door and revealed Dilen's tall figure on the other side as he stepped in — dressed in plain black sweatpants and t-shirt. Delia stood up, "Hello".

"Hey", he smiled.

"Is something the matter?" Delia asked.

"Yes. A little".