Chapter 082 He Left - 3

Song Recommendation: Demons by Imagine Dragons

"Fuck you..." Andrew breathed weakly in a teary voice shutting his eyes as he cried from the painful burn between his leg as Dilen had now strapped him to a wooden chair instead.

Andrew sighed with quivering lips as he struggled to stay conscious with the orifice between his legs no longer bleeding — not after Dilen plastered the flat surface of a red-hot iron to the area that once had his manhood to stop his bleeding.

He was weak and exhausted from the torture as he drooled from the corner of his lips with heavy breaths.

"You psychotic bastard..." He whispered, "J-- Just fucking kill me already. That's what your sadistic ass is good at, after all".

Dilen, who stood behind him now with a pair of surgical gloves on; searched on the table for his next toy as he hummed nonchalantly.