Chapter 090 Tylor's Ride - 1

Delia sat in the front seat, staring plainly at the road as Tylor took a bend toward her main district. She remained quiet all through the journey without initiating a conversation between Tylor and her.

She then exhaled softly — her heart went heavy.

Having her body jerk forward to the sudden acceleration of the car, Delia's brows knitted. "Mr. Tylor?" She turned to him, confused.

With a grin on his face, he locked all the car doors. "Don't worry, I know a shortcut". Delia's heart felt heavier. She tightened her grip on her seat.

"Mr. Tylor, please I really need to go home now..."

But her pleading fell on deaf ears as he zoomed further away from the route she knew, going deeper into the side of town she was unfamiliar with.

And most of all, shady.

Tylor marched the gas harder, sharply turning the car into a dark alley. He pulled to a stop. "Don't worry, this won't take long".