Chapter 115 The Vileh Effect - 1

Song Recommendation: War Of Hearts by Ruelle


Delia heavily pulled her eyes open, pushing herself up from the couch with a groan.

"Delia..." A whisper called again.

She scratched her tired eyes, pulling her gaze to the couch Damien was lying on. He wasn't there. She furrowed her brows, looking around, wondering if he where he was.

"Delia..." She snapped her eyes to the wall in front of her, were Vileh stood in her little girl's form.

Delia's heart became wary. "Delia... How do you feel?" Vileh asked.

"What do you want, Vileh?"

"Me?" Vileh craned her head. "Just came to congrats you for all the chaos you single handedly caused so far..." Vileh fell on her knees — her limbs began to stretch into her inhuman length.

She body distorted loudly in a disgusting manner, transforming into the body of a crawling rotten lady, twisting her head upside down.