Chapter 117 Self Harmful Wife - 1

Song Recommendation: Don't Let Me Down by The Chainsmokers ft Daya

Sally slowly padded to the master's bedroom, knocking softly on the door. There was no response.

He knocked again, readying to push in the trolley with his mistress's dinner. There was still no response.

He furrowed his brows. Knocking a few more times and getting no response, he finally grabbed the doorknob and pushed it open. 

He instantly gasped at the sight before him.

Delia stood at the centre of the room, squeezing her risen fist tightly in the air. Blood was slowly dripping out between her fingers and staining the carpet.

Her face was soaked in tears and her hands quivered like she was in pain; but she didn't stop.

He instantly rushed to her, slapping her fist down. A large bloody ceramic shard fell from her palm to the floor. Sally glanced at her palm, sighting the deep cut in her palm caused by the shard she was squeezing upon.