Chapter 123 Hurt Her Again - 2

Song Recommendation: Beautiful Things Can Happen by Sia


Delia's back arched off the bed as she gasped loudly for air, tightening her fingers into a fist on the sheets. She snapped her eyes open, glancing around the dark room as rain beat loudly on the the glass wall.

Her heart was pounding.

Still lying on her back, she let her eyes roam the room, checking her environment and hoping she wasn't still dreaming. 

Slowly releasing her grip on the sheets, she gradually raised herself—she froze at the echo of a loud creaking sound above her. 

She gingerly lifted up her eyes. A naked corpse hung up from a noose. It suddenly cut, plummeting down unto Delia's body in the bed.


Delia instantly jumped up from the bed, rolling off the bed and landing on the carpet floor. She widened her eyes, looking around her surroundings and back at the bed.

Was she still dreaming? Was she having another dream in a dream of a dream!?