Chapter 132 Her Last Heart

Song Recommendation: Surrender by Natalie Taylor

Delia leaned her back against the wall, having her hands crossed and one of her foot on the wall. She looked up through her dark veil, breathing slowly as she watched Ariella's mother, Victoria, cry and wail alongside the other family member. 

Delia remained quiet with not a single tear dropping from her eyes.

Ariella's body was untied and put in a body bag, after having the police come around for a few protocol.

Delia still didn't make a sound nor move. She sighed deeply, lowering her head to shut her eyes.

She took in another deep breath then opened her eyes. Everywhere was quiet and dark. Delia slowly rose her head.

"Quith. Vileh".

Instantly they appeared before her, surrounded by their usual black fog and entity—with Vileh in her usual seven years old body.

She exhaled softly, "I am only going to ask this only once. Was it suicide?"