Chapter 136 Damien vs Eba & Egusi Soup

Song Recommendation: With You In The Morning by Carl Storm

Delia dished the last spoon of Damien's soup into a bowl before placing it on the serving tray. She then picked up the tray and padded to the table, placing it in front of Damien. 

Damien remained seated at the dinning table, now dressed in a plain grey shirt and sweatpants. He held the side of his face with his elbow on the surface as he cooed at Delia, watching her place the food in front of him.

His sly eyes didn't fail to take a long trail of her outfit from head to toe.

She was dressed in a spaghetti top and pair of shorts, which, compared to her dressing back at home, was far more alluring and amplifying to her curvy body.

His smile widened.

"By the way, Damien", she started, "I noticed most of the causal clothes you got for me are quite revealing".


"I wanted asking if you—"

"You dare not ask for those baggy sacks you use to wear back at home".