Chapter 146 Why To Kill Your Butler - 2

After Damien's breakfast, Delia sent him off to get ready for work, staying down to clear the kitchen.

A few minutes later, she made her way up the stairs and to their bedroom. Walking in, she heard the sound of rushing water — Damien was taking a bath.

She glanced at the closet door and made her way forward. With her own discretion, she picked out a deep blue suit for Damien, alongside his tie, socks and shoes before walking out to place them on the bed.

Standing by the bed boredly, Delia bit her lips. She gazed around for something to possibly do as she was already starting to feel jobless.

Her eyes then fell on the bathroom door. She could still hear the loud splash of shower water. She narrowed her eyes.

For some weird reason, she had the urge to go to the door and take a peek. Not in a pervertic way, just... Research. She slowly stepped forward.