Chapter 153 What Damien Really Did - 2

Song Recommendation: Then by Anne Marie [Live]

Delia's body instantly froze, having her eyes widened as a gasp escaped her lips.

Her breath hitched, staring with a bewildered expression at the man who she called her husband.

His face read pure rage and anger. She blinked at him numerous times, hoping to wake up and see it was an hallucination or dream.

Damien's red eyes narrowed, clutching his fingers into a fist. Out of rage, he punched a fist at the wall.

Delia's chest continued to heave slowly, trying to take in enough oxygen to apprehend and digest what she'd just heard.

Damien hissed, pulling away from her with clutched fists. He turned to the opposite direction.

Delia stuttered, "W- Why? Why did you..." She couldn't find the breath to finish her question, watching him groan more.

"You wouldn't understand!" He mumbled.