Chapter 158 What Delia Did - 2

Song Recommendation: Sorry by Nightcore

There was a large void in his chest. An emptiness in his arms and loneliness in the environment around him—he could feel it. He was sure of it.

Damien furrowed his brows even in his sleep, tightening his grip on the petite figure in his arms. Squeezing harder to fill the sudden emptiness he felt, Damien slowly opened his eyes, looking down into his arms.

Delia wasn't in his arms.

Instantly pushing himself up from the bed, he glanced around the room. "Del? Delia!?" He called, having no response.

He frowned deeper, glancing at the clock. 1:21AM "Where could she be at this time?" He looked at the bathroom door, suspecting she may be in the toilet, "Del? Delia–"


His heart gripped at the sound of a gunshot from downstairs. He quickly got off the bed, striding to the door.

"Del!?!" He pulled the door open, stepping into the pitch dark corridor. "DELIA!— AH!"