Chapter 167 In The Graveyard - 4

Glancing around and back, she took in a few deep breaths, controlling her heaving chest. She wiped a few tears away, before placing her hand on his chest.

She sobbed, taking in a deep breath as she shut her eyes, pressing her hands against his chest. She continued to struggle to control her breath, focusing on what Aileed told her.

Her nerves calmed, squeezing her eyes tighter to concentrate as she mumbled a prayer. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes, seeing no change in Damien, nor did she feel anything in her.

"It's not working!" She groaned, pulling her hand away from his chest, clutching her fingers over his arms, to press him against her chest.

She pushed herself down, clutching tightly unto his shoulders as she placed her face in his crook.

"Damien..." She sobbed. "I don't know what to do... Please just wake up..." She broke down further. "Damien, please... Please, you can't leave me now".