Chapter 178 Women Of The Alan's Household - 3

Song Recommendation: My Heart's Grave by Faouzia

"I said I'm okay, my dear". Edward sighed, pushing himself off the bed.

"Eddie, you're not, stay down!" Rachel pushed him back on his bottom.

He shook his head, "It was only a spring", he mumbled touching the bandage wrapped around his arm and hung to his neck.

"But what if it wasn't, huh!? What if you weren't stepping out of the car the moment that drunkard ran into your vehicle!?" Rachel sat next to him.

Edward sighed, smiling at his worried wife. "My dear, I am fine-"

"Don't tell me that! Imagine it wasn't just the door that almost crushed your left arm!"

"Well it wasn't, so calm down, my-"

"No!" She pushed herself to hug him. "We can't take this lightly. No!" She squeezed him tightly.

Juliet and Jacob simply grimaced at their father, both feeling the same fear their mother was feeling.

What if?