Chapter 180 Home History Class - 2

Damien knocked softly on Delia's door.

"Come in".

He slowly pushed it open and walked in, shutting the door behind him.

Delia was seated at the window coach of her enormous floor-to-ceiling window, staring up at the sky.

She had her thighs pressed to her chest and her chin on her knees. She let out a sigh.

"Del?" He took a step forward.

"If you're worried about Juliet reporting us, don't bother. She won't say anything".

"Actually, that's the least of my problem ", he stepped closer to her.

Delia continued to stare up into the sky.

Damien squatted next to her, "What's wrong, Del?" He placed his hand on hers.

She slowly turned to look into his eyes. She bit her lower lip.

"I wish humans had more sense".

He furrowed his brows, "What?"