Chapter 190 Meeting Father Anthony - 1

Manly moans echoed off the walls of the dark bedroom—having the only source of light be the laptop set on the desk in a corner.

Roman's heavy breaths heightened, having him arch his back against his seat. He moved his clutched hand faster between his legs, biting his lips.

He locked his eyes on the image on the screen, not wanting to shut his eyes for even a second from the beautiful sight.

He thrusted his hand faster.

He threw his head back to let out a sigh, shutting his eyes to perfect his most desirable scene in his head.

"Delia... Fuck!" The words escaped his lips. He groaned, moving his hand even faster.

Pleasing himself a few more seconds longer, Roman finally gasped, releasing himself. He relaxed his back as he dropped his shoulders.

He exhaled loudly, opening his eye to look up at the ceiling. He remained still for a few moments. He let out a bitter sigh, palming his face with his clean hand.