Chapter 216 Dinner Event - 3

"Delia!!" Nora smiled, running towards Delia

 "Finally!!" She threw her arms in the air, pushing forward for a hug — Delis stepped aside, causing Nora to almost trip as she met the empty space of air.

"What are you doing here?" Delia asked through the dark fabric over her face.

Nora straightened her back, still maintaining a smile despite Delia's clear display of unaffection.

"I came to see you! Didn't your guards tell you? I've been coming here for more than three weeks and your men keep saying you're not around or you're busy!"

Because she told them to say that even when she wasn't. Delia frowned inside. 

Ever since Damien was announced dead, Delia had avoided Nora at all costs. Not out of hatred, but pure loss of interest of anything that didn't relate to work or bloodshed of those Cooperation bastards.

Nora grimaced, "What's wrong, Del? You completely shut us out".