Chapter 221 Judas Time - 4

"I see why you said it may be triggering".

"N- No, I don't mean to call all—"

"I understand what you're asking. But I'm African, I may have been more triggered if I was from here".

Judas lowered his gaze.

"Why do you ask though?"

"Be- Because, before I met Cindy, she ran away from home because her father was related to some gangs. And her addict mother abandoned her when she was six".

"Damn. Harsh".

"So I've been wondering why blacks at some parts of the states are involved in such. I've always wanted to ask but was scared to come out as racist".

Delia thought for a while, picking her fingernails. She then exhaled, "First of all, there are white gangsters and criminals, but just like the media prefers to show the worst sides of African countries, they prefer to portray the blacks here as violent criminals".
