Chapter 229 Sacrifice - 1

"This is getting out of hand, Reldi!" Shouted the old man seated in the round table of six.

Three men, three women. Each of the different races around the world.

The room was windowless and stone walled, enclosing them in the soundproof surrounding lit by just a single bulb above their heads.

Reldi was seated among the small circle of elders; being the youngest and only black person in the group.

He rested back on his seat, simply picked his nails as their words fell on his deaf ears.

One of the women then spoke, "We told you to get rid of that girl when you had the chance! Yet yo—"

"Get rid of her?" Reldi crooked his head, pulling his gaze to the old hag.

"Get rid of her? Are you okay in the head?"

The woman frowned. "How dare y—"

"How dare you ask me to get rid of my first ever toy? Do you know how long I've been searching for someone who isn't as boring as the rest?"