Chapter 233 Official Meeting - 3

Reldi smiled, "But fear not, I'm too much of a decent man to do that. At least not when you're going to be mine soon".

Her brows quirked.

His smile widened, "You'll soon understand". He rubbed her foot.

Delia grunted, glaring at Reldi with clinched her jaws.

Her eyes turned red.

"That won't work on me, sweetheart", he gazed at her.

Delia furrowed her brows.

Reldi then shook his head, chuckling as he finally dropped her foot on the bed.

"You see, Delia, the problem with your ability is your faith. You believe in God, therefore you are weak and restricted".

He crossed his legs, "Unlike the devil, who's deals are very straight forward. He gives, you give, unlimited power".

Delia stared at him, breathing unevenly.