Volume 2.36 Soul Binding System (1)


A single drop of water could be heard every single second. Myrene slowly opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was the beautiful clear blue skies with multiple white birds that were enjoying their own freedom above. .

"How lucky you guys are, where you can do whatever you want. No rule, no missions and above all no control by others." She took a deep breath and slowly raised her body to take a seat. Just then she realized that she was lying in some pond. "Argh. Where am I?"




Her head shifted to the thing that was making that dripping sound. And she saw one seedling in the middle of the pond. It was planted in a small clump of wet soil. From its single leaf, water was dripping down the pond. Creating ripple at every drop. And Myrene also noticed that it was radiating a faint and small blue glow.