High School Hack and Slash Chapter 5 Part 3

「… Say. Seiichi.」

「Hmm. What's that? I'm sleepy….」

 Mai, who was resting her face on the half-asleep Seiichi, spontaneously smiled and raised the futon a bit.

「… Say. Speaking of Shizuka, will she be alright?」

「Oh… beats me. She's glued to Touma the whole time in the class, after all. Well, doesn't that mean she's doing well? In a lot of ways.」

「That's not, what I meant.」

 What kind of predicament Shizuka, who was sent to the boy's dormitory in Seiichi's place, would be faced with.

 It should be easy to imagine.

 Even if they had swapped places, they still normally met at the class, had lunch together, and chatted with each other.

 However, they didn't talk about anything in-depth.

「I'm irritated, you see….」


 Turning over, Seiichi suddenly murmured as such.

 The closed door and window, the yet cold Shizuka's bed, the soliloquy that wasn't heard by anyone else.

 A sleep-talk in half-asleep state.

 Thus, on such a well-arranged ground, it was Seiichi's ego that he wished her to listen to his inner thoughts.

「Touma's, that mug that seems to perceive, to see through you, is irritating.」

 It was as if everything in the world was a trivial matter to him.

 Be it the treasure this side cherished, the chagrin of having to grind his teeth and give up, or him having to bow his head to someone he loathed.

 He couldn't tolerate the attitude that seemed as though telling him that all of it was meaningless, that he was obsessed over something worth nothing.

 He wanted to make him show a more, more frustrated and tearful face.

「There's no significance in it. I'm just getting pissed off on my own.」

 Rather than the orders he'd been assigned with, he prioritized his own feelings.

「That guy, you see, he's got nothing at his disposal, at all. His background is totally empty, how laughable.」

 There was nothing, no matter what he investigated, it was null, blank.

 And yet, he still had such a casual and unchanging face, as if he alone was everything.

「That's why… pushing something important on him, have it stolen, defiled, and betrayed him.」

 He had carefully escorted Shizuka, whom he had deliberately taken along, without laying his hands on her.

 To without fail, nonchalantly catch others' attention, he had chosen the place within the dormitory.

「I was wondering if he would show a face that's just like mine at least a bit.」

 As for why he held such animosity, even Seiichi himself didn't know.

 Toward someone with whom he had been acquainted for only a short time.

 Was it jealousy?

 For what?

 For him to turn that guy into pulp, gnawing at his own weakness for failing to protect his treasure as well.

「How foolish. Don't tell anyone, okay, Mai… Mai?」


 Turning upward, Seiichi caught a glance of Mai, who was breathing steadily with her eyes shut while still resting her face on his chest.

 Heaving out a sigh while gazing at the ceiling, Seiichi gently caressed Mai and covered her head with the blanket.

 Gently, so as not to wake her up, pretending not to notice her pretending to be asleep.

「Damn it…」

 Even as he himself was unsure of who he was swearing at, Seiichi closed his eyes and abandoned his thoughts.

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 Sloshing sounds reverberated from their lips, creaking sounds reverberated from the chair.

 Shizuka's body, straddling above the chair in the opposite direction, jerked and spasmed.

 Tightly squeezing the thighs that were riding on Touma's laps, she firmly dug the nails of her hands that rested on Touma's shoulders into it.

 Entranced, Shizuka rubbed her fragrant breasts against Touma's chest.

「Touma, kun… let's calm down a bit. Calm down, today, for sure, hnn.」

 Shizuka, who was slightly overhead of Touma, overlapped her lips with his.

 Pressing down Touma's shaking arms, she didn't cease the assault of her slippery tongue.

 Touma didn't particularly mind to take love communication as their priority, but he decided to give Shizuka, who was unbearably low in spirit despite them in the height of the deeds, some careful considerations.

 Holding Shizuka, who was too engrossed in their kissing and ended up raising her hips, by the hips, he slammed his manly spear into the depth of the vaginal hole, which had slipped off and had the majority of its space emptied, all at once.


 Shizuka, whose words seemed to end with a heart mark, lost her strength and went limp.

 Leveraging that opening, Touma hugged Shizuka who was straddling him by the hips and pulled out his penis all at once.

「Ah, aah!」

 He stroked the back of Shizuka, who was letting out a heartrending cry borderline teary, to soothe her while quelling down his own sexual urges.

 Touma also personally wished to give her an apology, slip into the bed, and immerse themselves in sex until their minds went blank just like how they always did these nights.

 However, they wouldn't make any progress at all that way.

 He folded Shizuka in safety style as she sniffed and whimpered, and ceased their movements until she regained her reason.

「…. Sob. I'm, sorry. Touma-kun.」

「No, it was fine. It's safe.」

 Speaking of what was safe specifically, it was that he didn't cum.

 They were seated side by side on the chair at the beginning, but everything started when Shizuka failed to endure her subconscious impulse and wound up touching Touma's right palm.

 Through the experiments over the past few days, they had come to an understanding that Shizuka could maintain a level of rationality as long as she didn't touch her crystal.

 They knew neither its principle nor how it worked, but they had confirmed that the Shizuka crystal that was embedded in Touma's right hand was giving emotional influence on Shizuka herself.

 Even when they were apart, Shizuka herself was always linked to the Shizuka Crystal.

 Speaking of what the problem was as the two were linked, it was the fact that Shizuka crystal was readily resonating with Touma's thoughts.

 If Touma were to think, 『Come here, come here』, she would end up somehow wanting to come to his side, and if he was hungry, she would somehow feel hungry, even if she had just had a meal.

 In this state, she could still go about her daily life, but once the two were in contact with each other, forming a direct connection, she would end up being beyond help.

「I think that, the emotions, or impulses that Touma-kun and I feel, end up being doubled, perhaps.」

「I'm sorry. I don't quite get it.」

「… I wonder if, the fusing of my crystal and Touma-kun, is progressing. At the beginning it was not so bad, after all. Umm, not the feeling, but the emotion. It conforms to the concept of three souls seven spirits taught in the class, doesn't it?」

 Touma casually moved his right palm away to hide it from Shizuka, who was muttering in mumble and subconsciously reaching out her hand to touch it while still within his embrace.

「However, that's why, there's nothing that can be done about it. Even if I can endure my feelings, I can't resist my emotions…. I'm now Touma-kun's servant, in its truest meaning.」


「It's fine. Because there's no harm to you, Touma-kun. Touma-kun, you'll only be unable to dominate me through feeling, not emotion, while I'll have my emotion dominated, not my feeling. That's why sex… as the libido when you embrace me, is doubled, there's no way I can resist it.」

 Shizuka heaved out a sigh, but she hugged Touma with a peaceful expression.

 It was as if she couldn't sense the sense of revulsion she harbored toward men which had been engraved into her in the form of trauma.

 Her body was similar to Touma's, or rather it was a part of him.

 From Touma's point of view, Shizuka was a tool, and for Shizuka, she perceived being used by him as bliss in itself.

 The purpose of Touma subconsciously using Shizuka being sexual desire could only be attributed as biological instinct.

 The seven elements that governed the human body.

 Joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil, and desire.

 First of all, he'd never seen the symbol, namely Shizuka as the embodiment of joy, anger, sorrow, fear, or anything else.

 If Touma were to hate Shizuka from the bottom of his heart, she would probably die.

 If Touma were to love Shizuka from the bottom of his heart, she would attain supreme pleasure.

 But the feeling that creatures known as human beings prioritized the most was the more vague yet sincere desire.

「Are you okay?」

「Yes… don't worry. I've made peace with it. I'm okay, now. So you're now free to treat yourself to your fullest, you know, Touma-kun.」

 Shizuka, whose naked upper body was draped in a lap blanket in place of a shawl, gazed fixedly at Touma's eyes with clear eyes.

「The first matter is to return this to you, Shizuka.」

「Please spare me that alone. If you return it to me, perhaps… I'm sure I'll end up committing suicide. Now that I've gotten aware of it, I won't be able to stand being alone again….」

 He gave Shizuka, who shed tears simply from imagining it, a hug.

「You can't part with me?」

「… Yes. Until you, don't need me any longer.」

「I don't want to deceive you, so let me just tell you. I can't tell what you wish for, Shizuka. As for whether I love or hate you, Shizuka, perhaps neither.」

「So honest, of you. Even if you were to simply tell me some suitably kind words, I would have happily believed it, though….」

 Hearing his callous confession, Shizuka accepted it as though it clicked with something within herself with a click.

 Honestly, without any space for doubt, she had reality thrust upon her.

 But that was okay, that was exactly why the two of them were perfect for each other.

 Shizuka also approached Touma in order to make use of him, and just as planned, she'd attained his patronage.

 That was the unblemished reality.

 That was enough for now.

「But, you want to do… perverted things, don't you?」

「I do.」

 As Shizuka enquired as such with pointed lips, he promptly replied without hesitation whatsoever.

「Yes. Please do as you please, Touma-san. The entirety of my seven spirits are yours, Touma-san… Ah, it's just, please just don't hold yourself back. Umm, not a metaphor, but this place is really squeezing, and hurting.」

 As Shizuka put her hand around below her chest and navel, she blushed.

「Next is the matter of what to do with Seiichi and Mai's crystals, but….」

「Ah…. Yes.」

 The moment the suddenly falling down Shizuka got in touch with Touma, with her trembling knees being caught, she was held in princess carry.

「We can think about it later.」

 The libido that Touma was feeling was turning into a pleasure akin to reaching orgasm within him.

 Shizuka embraced the fact that she herself was aroused akin to a bitch in heat.

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