High School Hack and Slash Chapter 10 Part 2

In order to adjust the time for our dungeon dive, we are having a tea break at the vending machine corner at the entrance before the stairs leading down to Rashomon.

There are no vending machines in the dungeon, so there seems to be many students who buy drinks to rehydrate themselves inside.

Come to think of it, there seemed to be that stall-like store, but since the place it pops up seems to be at random, I don't think we can really expect much from it.

As a test, I buy a bottle of soda and a can of coffee and put them in the item box.

I'm a little worried that the drinks may have some sort of strange change once they are inside, but I guess I'll share some of them with Seiichi later.

「Hmm. There's no need to be modest. Creatures known as boys ought to clad themselves in a little of dreadfulness.」

「That's right, a little. But I think making none dares to raise their faces in our presences is too much.」


Not only is there the matter of us having to avoid doing anything conspicuous, the possibility of us getting strange gazes and being found fault with is by no means zero.

In other words, what he's trying to tell me is that, in the face of the battles in the dungeon, he can't hold back his bloodlust, isn't it?

Seiichi is also one hot blooded guy.

「… You absolutely don't get it, do you? I have a feeling that, in a very natural manner, you're coming up with someone else's faults.」

「It's okay. You're very cool, Touma-san.」

「If you're intent on arming yourself with kusarigama. Later, I think twirling it around will be dangerous.」

Mai gives me a warning, but if I don't familiarize my hands with it, I won't be able to use it in a real battle.

Not only does the chain seem to pack a considerable power in itself, the weight balance is also better compared to self-made works.

By the way, the blade part of the sickle is properly protected by the cover, so it is not dangerous.

In Toyoashihara academy, where all students walk around with weapons on them, as a part of academy regulations, drawing their weapon within the academy grounds is strictly prohibited.

「I also know it for the first time, but the scary part of kusarigama is not its blade, isn't it…?」

「Well, I do think it's better to give all kinds of weapon a try at the beginning, but if you use irregular weapons too much, you may fail your class change, you know?」

Holding a demi-tasse sugarless coffee, Seiichi sits down on the bench.

「What do you mean by fail?」

「Ah, if everything goes well, it seems that we'll generally come to be able to do a change classes by the second semester.」

Toyoashihara academy adopts the orthodox tri-semester system.

From April to July is the first semester, interposed by summer vacation, August to December is the second semester, interposed by winter vacation, and January to March is the third semester.

「If we accumulate strange experience, we will be assigned with a similarly strange class when we perform class change in the 『Cathedral』, it seems.」

「Err, what does that mean?」

Very naturally securing herself a place next to Seiichi, Mai tilts her head.

「The one said to be the basic class is 『Fighter』, isn't it? Followed by 『Thief』 and 『Arts User』.」

「And it's said that the recommended one is『Fighter』, isn't it?」

Indeed, I do have a feeling that it's written in the Introduction to Labyrinth textbook.

During class change, you will automatically be bestowed with the class you're accommodated with, or something.

And the facility for that purpose seems to be the 『Cathedral』.

The class that is automatically bestowed to you is randomly chosen from among the classes you qualify for, so if there is a class that you want to become, there seems to be a need to try changing classes multiple times.

However, since your level is reset each time you change classes, I guess it can be said to be a kind of gamble.

In that regard, it seems that if you become a superior class, your physical ability correction will also increase.

As for how it really is like, I won't know until I actually give it a try.

For the time being, all I can say is that this is a class-based RPG, not a skill-based one.

「It seems that if you perpetrate something weird, you'll end up pulling the dud class, you see. Like 『Debauchee (NEET)』 for instance.」

「… Yikes. But I think I'm kinda curious to see what kind of skills it can use.」

「I can't really say this out loud, but it seems that the enjoy group mostly ends up with that kind of classes.」

It seems that students who give up on dungeon conquest are called the enjoy group, but since it's also a kind of derision to them, he naturally lowers his voice.

I cross my arms as I look at the status of Shizuka, who is quietly sitting next to me.

I try opening it from the party member list in the upper right corner, and I manage to see it in the same manner as mine.

When I touch the 『None』 class, as expected a list box of her possible class options similarly pops us in a line.

Not only is the content somewhat different from my list, there are not too many options, either.

There are also a number of what Seiichi calls dud-type classes.

There's an array of fishy sounding classes such as 『Debauchee (NEET)』, 『Harlot (Nymph)』, 『Service Princess (Maid Princess)』, 『Sex Servant Princess (Slave Lady)』, 『Puppet Princess (Heartless Queen)』, 『Meat Relief Princess (Orginian)』, and so on.

The 『~Princess』 types are ranked at SSR, but being rarer doesn't not always mean better.

The safe-sounding rare class are 『Spearman (Lancer)』, followed by 『Miko』 of the 『Arts User (Magi)』 branching.

The correction of 『~Princess』 type classes seems pretty appealing, but I can't shake the premonition that they are laden with landmines.

Nevertheless, when I take a look at the nicely lewd-sounding options such as 『Sex Servant Princess』, Shizuka, who before I know it is embracing and clinging to my left hand as if to bury it into her, is staring at the same place as I do with moist eyes.

When I move the cursor over 『Doll Princess』 or 『Meat Relief Princess』, she shows a somewhat sad look, so I have a feeling that she's clearly able to see it too.

The person in question doesn't seems to mind either 『Service Princess』 or 『Sex Servant Princess』, but I can't really recommend these types of classes that don't seem to have any further branching.

I'm not Mai, but well, I do have a bit of interest in what kind of skills they are capable of using.

I stop Shizuka as she quietly extends her fingers toward『Service Princess』.

I don't think Shizuka can operate it, though.

Apparently, it's not that Shiuzka herself is activating Interface, but more like she's sharing my vision information.

If we have to really change her class, rather than such types that would seem to give correction more in the direction of nightly activities, I think we should go with the standard fantasy type of 『Miko』.

「Ah~, I'm sorry to interrupt you when you're in your own world, but…」

「You're attracting attentions, or like the shame is flowing to this side or something~.」

I see, we're in the position of me holding Shizuka's upper body, so it surely doesn't not look like I'm assaulting her.

It feels like it's going to be misunderstood again.

「It's not a misunderstanding, isn't it? I'll refrain from retorting as such. Well, let's steadily explore the dungeon, shall we?」


「… Ah.」

My hand slips and ends up setting 『Miko』 as Shizuka's class.

Even when I turn toward Shizuka, she doesn't seem to show either strange behaviors or discontent toward the class.

It's just, the way her level drops from 14 to 1 is probably due to the so-called level drain.

The SP value also seems to have dropped slightly due to the level drop, but to begin with, I wonder if it's right to assume that this SP is similar to the HP in RPG games.

It's a bit too late, but it doesn't seem like something I should arbitrarily tamper with.

「No problem. Please try it on me.」


「I'm all yours, after all.」

「Ah—sheesh–, let's go–. We're going to leave you behind, okay–?」

◇ ◇ ◇

―― 『Yomotsu Hirasaka』, a branch realm connected to the labyrinth of Perforation Realm, 『YGGDRASILL』――

――The 『third』 stratum, 『uncharted』 domain――


Goblins with clubs in hands attacked the intruders who had stepped into the dim chamber from the corridor.

With a swish, the boy who took the lead swung his right arm wide and threw the weapon in his hand.

A weapon that left its wielder's hand turned into mere matter.

That meant it could not inflict damage in the battle in the dungeon.

In accordance with how the depth of the everlasting realm, the depth of the world got closer to its root, the influence of matter (material) and star force (astral) was reversed.

Mind and flesh, soul and spirit, heart and body.

The 『Rousing The Souls Controlling The Spirits』 arts, which was the foundation of the Rashōmon System, replaced material and astral.

In other words, cladding the mind, with the flesh serving as the core, they defeated monsters that were the incarnation of miasma (astral).

This was a system designed to efficiently strengthen the soul (astral), which was difficult to temper as a creature of the everlasting realm.

As level was the rank of the souls (astral), the strengthened mind subordinated the flesh even in the everlasting realm.

That meant the mind transcended the flesh.