Another World

In the city of Burmin, there lived a teenager named Kyle Gregory. Since the age of twelve, he had only his grandfather and mother to look after him. Now sixteen, and in his last year of high school, one would expect his next destination to be college. However, that isn't exactly how the story turns out.


Sitted in a classroom, a boy with bright blonde hair and sky blue eyes was in the middle of a fight with three other students. The class was in an uproar as they supported and cheered for the three students, while they booed and threw insults at the blonde student.

In the middle of their fight, a fifth student jumped in, attempting to break up the fight, but after a few punches landed on his face, he became hellbent on winning the fight. The fight raged on, until a teacher barged into the class.

"Detention, both of you" a woman yelled, gripping a long stick angrily as she pointed it towards two boys.

Not saying a word, they both got up, saving themselves the extra embarrassment as they went towards the principal's office.

"Yeah, that's right! Walk away like the f*cking p*ssies you are!" a boy with a bloody nose yelled, laughing hard with his two friends as they got up and fixed their ruffled clothes.

"Hey, Kyle, just so you know, it wasn't my fault. Those guys were the ones asking for trouble, so I just gave it to them," the other said.

"Why didn't you just ignore them like everyone else does?! Dan had always been a social terror running everyone's lives, it wouldn't kill you to just overlook most of the sh*t he pulls just to get underneath your skin, would it?" Kyle retorted.

The other didn't respond. It wasn't because he was afraid of admitting his mistake, but because they were walking side by side with the terrible trio. Exchanging laughs on the way, the Blondie felt the urge to pounce on them, but a stern glare from the black-haired was enough to make him stand down

Once they had arrived at the principal's office, they greeted the teacher seated as they went and took their seats at the back, avoiding the trio. Currently, there were five delinquents already present, and none of them looked friendly.

"Great, these clowns again," Kyle said under his breath.

From his seat, he could sense something off. Turning his head, he noticed Brandon shaking wildly, he could even hear his breathing.

"Easy, buddy. Don't just go on a freaking rampage just because you have beef with all these guys here," Kyle tried to call him down, and it seemed to have worked for now.

As peace seemed to have returned, a sudden vibration could be heard, following by screams and car alarms from down below in the streets. Before anyone present could react, a strange phenomenon began to ocour within that very classroom.

At the front, a spiral of flames suddenly appeared, getting bigger by the second.

"What is that thing?!" Kyle shouted, feeling himself being pulled towards it.


Meanwhile, all across the city of Burmin, the sudden natural disasters continued to spread, spreading doom and terror amongst its citizens. All across the news channels, reporters were live giving their reports regarding the sudden disasters plaguing the city.

"This is Madison reporting to you live from Burmin City Central News Headquarters. Currently, no known leads have been found regarding the cause of these disasters but scientists are trying their best to flesh out the cause and hopefully a way to deal with these strange events. Further more, it seems like more sudden events are taking place, now."


"I got you!" Brandon yelled, gripping Kyle by the hand. Even with his other hand gripping one of the seats fixed to the floor, he wasn't sure how long he could hold on.

Meanwhile, everyone else had already been sucked into the portal, leaving the two alone battling to stay put.

Like a vacuum cleaner, the pressure increased, and it wasn't long until the remaining two were sucked it.

The inside looked akin to the sun itself, but emitted no heat. It wasn't long until they could see another opening, and a bright light blurred their vision, before they found themselves crashing onto solid ground.

The impact had rendered them unconscious, but once they had woken up, they realized the terrain they were on looked nothing like Earth. Confused and scared, they chose to stick together, unmoving from their location until the pangs of hunger drove them out.

What they were in seemed to be some kind of forest, except they had never layed eyes on such Flora on their life. After a few minutes of walking, they began to hear human voices not too far away.

"Haha! We're saved! Come on, Kyle!" Brandon was about to Sprint forward, until Kyle stood in front of him.

"Are you stupid?! We have no idea who they are? Or where THIS even is. Our best shot of survival is to stick to what we know and not take any uncalculated risks, understand?" Kyle explained.

"What's your deal, man?! I'm hungry!" Brandon yelled, ignoring Kyle's warning as he ran out of the bush and into the open road.

"Idiot!" Kyle yelled, catching up with Brandon.

The two had made it into some sort of village filled with regular looking people. However, the village looked far from regular. With people who looked as large as professional boxers from Earth, and the large, monsterous beasts they carried on their backs, it made them feel like they would be next if they didn't play their cards right.

The houses were built and arranged in a uniform pattern, and a larger building could be seen at the back end of the row. The people also looked busy, everyone going about their daily activities.

"Hey, Kyle, what should we do?" Brandon asked, visibly shaking.

Kyle didn't reply, but there was a look in his eye that spelt fear.

In the middle of their delirium, a passerby walked towards them, waving as he introduced himself.

"Hey, the name's Kreg. Do I know you? You guys don't look like you're from here." the stranger said, with a smile on his face as he extended his hand for a shake.

Kyle didn't respond immediately. He just stood there, staring at the hand. His mind was working overtime on whether he should reciprocate or not, but the prevailing fear of the unknown made him freeze in his spot.

"Sorry about my friend here. My name is Brandon. Brandon Kilt," Brandon said, shaking the Kreg's hand while giving Kyle a serious side glare.

'I need to snap out of this. I shouldn't be so afraid just because of this guy," Kyle thought to himself. 'Besides, he may be my key to getting the heck outta here.'

"Nice to meet you both. If you don't like, I'd like you two to follow me and meet our town's chief. He'll be happy to see some new faces in our village," Kreg offered.

"We'd love to," Brandon said. "Just give us a headstart, we'll catch up with you in a sec."

Kreg gave Brandon a strange look, seemingly not understanding what 'sec' meant, but just shrugged his shoulders thinking it was a slang that's popular from wherever these people are from.

"Alright," he said, as he started to walk away.

"Kyle, don't be stupid. I know you said we should be careful and not take too many risks, but this is our only shot at getting somewhere," Brandon tried to reason with him, but Kyle still seemed adamant to move from his spot.

Facepalming himself, Brandon did a few deep breathing sequences, before pointing a finger at Kyle and telling at him.

"That tears it! Why do you have to be so slow and indecisive in a time like this?! Are you chicken or something?!"

Kyle remained quiet.

"What happened? Cat got your tongue? You can stand here and let some strange monster pop up and gubble you up, but I have the intention of getting outta here so I can see my friends and family again," after saying that, he turned and followed Kreg towards the location of the town's chief.

'Che, he's right. I need to set this fear aside and focus on what's more important,' he thought. 'Even if I end up dying in the process.