Message For The Village(Part 2)

It was a typical day in Sunhill Village. With titans and warriors on the move struggling to make ends meet through hunting and protecting the village against invaders, as well as parents educating their children on the customs of the village, everything seemed to be going smoothly as usual.

Placing in the streets were a little boy and girl. Laughing and running around, a fight suddenly broke out between the two, and the boy pushed the girl to the ground. Hearing the cries of the fallen child, the boys mother rushed immediately and reprimanded him, then quickly picked the girl up and dusted off her clothes. Once the mother had arrived, the little girl had been soothed and her clothes were free from dirt.


"Aaah, life as usual," Krenk sighed, viewing the villagers from a high spot. Other than being the messenger, he really didn't have anything else to do. No occupation, no family, and sometimes, no home.

"I wonder how those two are doing," he wondered. "Well, I guess I could simply go and check up on them, but that will just spoil the fun. I'll wait here until Spade comes back, then I'll ask him what happened."

Observing the two mothers converse down below, a bell suddenly rang out, followed by the loud screams of a man which seemed almost hysterical.

"The Red Ravens! They are attacking us! All villagers, get to safety, now!!!"

Krenk's eyes grew wide in shock as he witnessed a man set a house on fire, then spreading that fire to five other houses right after that.

"Oh my, this is serious. I better go warn Spade and the other titans!"


"So that's all there is? Tsk. And here I was thinking I would have to complete a herculean task. Well I guess you were just puffing out hot air all along. You're all bark and no bite."

Spade seemed unfazed this time by Kyle's attempt to irate him.

'Sctew this guy. Does he really think I stand a chance at beating him? I'll be lucky if I make it outta here with all my limbs intact,' Kyle let out a deep breath, contemplating on what he would do next.

'All this time I've been trying to get under his skin, trying to see if I could make him loose focus so he might reveal a fatal flaw I could use against him. However, I've also been playing with fire as well. If I had said something too brash, he wouldn't have hesitated to end my life in an instant.'

Now, Kyle found himself in a dire situation. Unable to complete the stated tasks, and the possibility of him never getting home, he started to panic.

However, that was when he started to feel a constant rubble. Dirt and dust fell from the ceiling, and the space began to shake.

'What's going on?' Kyle thought.

"The village... I need to find out just what's going on," Spade said. Glancing at Kyle, he sighed, arriving at a decision.

"Well then, I guess this is where we part ways," he said, cutting the ropes binding Kyle to the chair.

Kyle looked confused by his current actions, but instead of explaining what was going on, he simply left Kyle alone in the dark room.


"The village must be under attack!" one of the people said.

"I can't believe this! This is the fourth time this month!"

Everyone seemed on edge about what was truly going on. Meanwhile, Brandon was still struggling with the ropes.

'I don't care what the heck is going on. As long as me and Kyle make it outta here in one piece, I'm good.'

Kreg noticed his efforts, and snickered in response.

"We aren't a simple people as you.may believe. That rope tied around your wrists is made of Element X, the strongest metal in the four kingdoms."

Brandon looked more confused as he continued to struggle, but after a while his wrists got bruised and the pain forced him to stop.

'Che. I'm trapped down here with a guy spitting c*ap I don't understand with a bunch of strangers in the background making fun of me. This place feels a lot like highschool and I don't like it one bit.'

"Hey! Shouldn't you go check out what's causing these shakes?!" Brandon asked.

"Whatever is going on, I'm sure Spade and the villagers will take care of it."

"Huh? Are you mad?! Neither of us have seem Spade come back from wherever he and Kyle went. Do you really think he'll make it back quick or are you just dense?"

Kreg gritted his teeth as his eyes narrowed.

"Mind your tongue!" He yelled, punching Brandon across the face.


The fire spread quickly, covering anything flammable in its path until the brave villagers arrived to put a stop to the spread. These people didn't seem to possess any power, so instead they carried water from a nearby stream in wooden barrels to put out the flames.

While these people were curbing the damage of the flames, the titans and warriors went to work combating against the invaders. The Red Ravens were proving to be formidable opponents, but what the villagers packed in power, they made up for in skill and versatility.

Krenk watched everything unfold from his high position. In his head, his fellow people were going to win the battle. To him, the battle had already been won,. because that was how it had always been.

A man held his hand out, his eyes glowing bright yellow, markings on his arms glowing, as a wave of fire shot out. Unlike the others, who only seemed capable of shooting fire, this man seemed capable of producing and controlling his flames at the same time.

"Oh, he may be a problem," Krenk stated.


Kyle was still apprehensive as to what was going on, but after Spade's imposing figure disappeared from his sight, he finally heaved put a sigh of relief. As his nerves calmed down, he remembered his friend who was also.bring held captive. Gathering his nerves, he followed the path Spade took and made his way to where Brandon was.

'I hope whatever is going on, this village ends up getting burnt to the stinkin' ground!' Kyle yelled in his mind as he gritted his teeth, tears streaming down his eyes. The mental strain from everything that was going on was too much for him to bear. Being plucked out of his reality, what he believed to be his home and safe haven, then placed right in the middle of no where and ending up here, wasn't something he didn't know if he could handle for any longer, but for Brandon, he decided to keep on pushing.

'Ever since I landed on this strange land, I had been feeling a strain in my heart. It must be the pressure and panic building up from not understanding the mechanics of my environment,' Kyle thought.

Gripping his chest, he willed himself not to stop as he finally reached where Brandon was at.

"Where did they go?" He asked as he untied Brandon.

"Don't know. When that huge dude came out, the others following him in that direction," he said, pointing straight ahead. "I was worried something might have happened to you, and I didn't know how to react if it was really what I was thinking..." Brandon was afraid something might have happened to Kyle, but seeing him in one piece helped calm his nerves.

"C'mon, let's get outta here," Kyle said.

"But where will we go, Kyle. This village seems to hate our guts, plus we have no idea where and when we may come across another settlement," Brandon replied.

Kyle took a while to think before he responded.

"Let's try something."


"You want us to what?!" Brandon yelled, his eyes wide opened in shock.

"Calm down, will ya?! We might earm the villagers' favour by helping them with whatever problem they are facing. Besides, it's not like we have any other better option."

Kyle's idea made sense, and reluctantly, Brandon nodded his head in agreement.

As the two walked, Brandon kept on complaining about their current predicament, and although Kyle could relate, the constant pain in his chest kept his mind preoccupied.

"What would you do if you got the chance to mop the floor with that block of muscle?" Brandon asked.

"Huh? Oh, sorry, just thinking about something," Kyle replied.

Brandon's eyes narrowed.

"What is it?"

'I don't want to worry him, but I guess there's no harm having one more thing to worry about,' Kyle thought to himself.

"It's not something serious. Just a minor heart pain I've been feeling for a while now," he said.

"Well as long as it isn't serious then I guess you can handle it," Brandon said with a tender smile.

"Hey! What are you getting at?!" Kyle stopped in his tracks as he turned to face Brandon.

"Say that again!" he demanded.

Brandon opened his lips, but quickly held back.

"Nothing, I'm just worried you're over thinking all this. You gotta take it easy, okay?"

Kyle's expression turned into one of confusion as his eyebrow Rose and his head tilted.

"C'mon, let's not waste time and get out of here so we can go ahead with our... plan," Brandon said, walking ahead of Kyle.

'Phew, a second more and I would've said something pretty stupid. I better watch what I say about Kyle when he's around.'